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u mog to autistic basement dwelling incels bro women dont find u attractive jfl only girls chronically online and on omegle find u attractive spaceship nose guy
Ur tinder experiment was a fluke 99+ in 2 hours no-one cares about that irl no foid wants or looks at u i mog u looks wise ur way too cocky and not even close to 5.5 ppl humble urself bro. If u were so good looking u would go viral on tik tok already and not post omegle interactions on incel websites the girls aren't in that hot in those or on tinder get a grip
Ur tinder experiment was a fluke 99+ in 2 hours no-one cares about that irl no foid wants or looks at u i mog u looks wise ur way too cocky and not even close to 5.5 ppl humble urself bro. If u were so good looking u would go viral on tik tok already and not post omegle interactions on incel websites the girls aren't in that hot in those or on tinder get a grip
Dude I don’t know you. Leave me alone I don’t care about u or have the energy to go back and forth with you. If u don’t think I’m good looking then good for u. Get a life lil bud
Your retarded ass mother
Stfu you paki inbred. I'm not trying to be anything that I'm not. You been barking for my attention like the failed person that you are since I made that thread about PoK. Truth is your nothing more than a waste of oxygen. You are 28 years old and still haven't accomplished anything in life. You are unemployed, you don't have your place and you are a virgin.

I can't think of anyone with a more pathetic life than yours. Unlike you I try to improve myself everyday and work towards a goal and have accomplished 10x more than you ever will in your life. You filthy coping paki bug eyed hok nosed inbred goatfucker. I'm always grateful when I wake every morning and look at myself in the mirror and do not a have the face an incompetent shitskin staring back at me. Your life pathetic, your values are non-existnent, your existence is a joke and you are a burden on your family. I can go more visceral and screenshot your posts to expose truly how pathetic of a life you live but I don't want to go to deep. Just stay in your lane and I'll stay in my line.
Stfu you paki inbred. I'm not trying to be anything that I'm not. You been barking for my attention like the failed person that you are since I made that thread about PoK. Truth is your nothing more than a waste of oxygen. You are 28 years old and still haven't accomplished anything in life. You are unemployed, you don't have your place and you are a virgin.

I can't think of anyone with a more pathetic life than yours. Unlike you I try to improve myself everyday and work towards a goal and have accomplished 10x more than you ever will in your life. You filthy coping paki bug eyed hok nosed inbred goatfucker. I'm always grateful when I wake every morning and look at myself in the mirror and do not a have the face an incompetent shitskin staring back at me. Your life pathetic, your values are non-existnent, your existence is a joke and you are a burden on your family. I can go more visceral and screenshot your posts to expose truly how pathetic of a life you live but I don't want to go to deep. Just stay in your lane and I'll stay in my line.
Stfu you paki inbred. I'm not trying to be anything that I'm not. You been barking for my attention like the failed person that you are since I made that thread about PoK. Truth is your nothing more than a waste of oxygen. You are 28 years old and still haven't accomplished anything in life. You are unemployed, you don't have your place and you are a virgin.

I can't think of anyone with a more pathetic life than yours. Unlike you I try to improve myself everyday and work towards a goal and have accomplished 10x more than you ever will in your life. You filthy coping paki bug eyed hok nosed inbred goatfucker. I'm always grateful when I wake every morning and look at myself in the mirror and do not a have the face an incompetent shitskin staring back at me. Your life pathetic, your values are non-existnent, your existence is a joke and you are a burden on your family. I can go more visceral and screenshot your posts to expose truly how pathetic of a life you live but I don't want to go to deep. Just stay in your lane and I'll stay in my line.
most insane evisceration of all time. Truly never seen mod on mod violence like this before. Cinema.

Your retarded ass mother
I wonder what you look like behind that screen of yours
Maybe 10 words
Just wait for the reacts to pour in as I expose you naked in front of the forum just like how your mother was stripped out of her honor to give birth to someone like you. I know you'll remember my words when you sleep today paki. I know you are refreshing this page every second just waiting for a new reply in the middle of night with your cortisol spiked and half of Your life truly is pathetic. Isn't it?
Just wait for the reacts to pour in as I expose you naked in front of the forum just like how your mother was stripped out of her honor to give birth to someone like you. I know you'll remember my words when you sleep today paki. I know you are refreshing this page every second just waiting for a new reply in the middle of night with your cortisol spiked and half of Your life truly is pathetic. Isn't it?
Just wait for the reacts to pour in as I expose you naked in front of the forum just like how your mother was stripped out of her honor to give birth to someone like you. I know you'll remember my words when you sleep today paki. I know you are refreshing this page every second just waiting for a new reply in the middle of night with your cortisol spiked and half of Your life truly is pathetic. Isn't it?

Keep pretending to be a little anime girl. While you sit their with your CRUSTY, MUSTY, NECKBEARD, UNKEMPT, CUM FILLED, DOUBLE CHIN LOOKIN AHH
makes sense why "she" hates transgenders, gays and lgbtq people so much. Projection and self hate. "She" wishes to be a fertile anime foid with perky tits and juicy ass but when he looks in the mirror the only thing that looks back at him is the spitting image of Hasan Nasrellah. Fucking figured this user out I'm so good
makes sense why "she" hates transgenders, gays and lgbtq people so much. Projection and self hate. "She" wishes to be a fertile anime foid with perky tits and juicy ass but when he looks in the mirror the only thing that looks back at him is the spitting image of Hasan Nasrellah. Fucking figured this user out I'm so good
“She” fws all that shit but it’s an Indian dude larping as a feminist Lesbian. Difference between me is her is I am an intersectional feminist and I don’t larp as lil girls
“She” fws all that shit but it’s an Indian dude larping as a feminist Lesbian. Difference between me is her is I am an intersectional feminist and I don’t larp as lil girls