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wish they changed the foid rule but tbh all the users would giga simp on there and it would turn into reddit tbh so i get both sides
I'd rather two separate forums for two different types of userbase imo

I just know it wouldn't work there.
u mog to autistic basement dwelling incels bro women dont find u attractive jfl only girls chronically online and on omegle find u attractive spaceship nose guy
Ur tinder experiment was a fluke 99+ in 2 hours no-one cares about that irl no foid wants or looks at u i mog u looks wise ur way too cocky and not even close to 5.5 ppl humble urself bro. If u were so good looking u would go viral on tik tok already and not post omegle interactions on incel websites the girls aren't in that hot in those or on tinder get a grip
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  • #59
Ur tinder experiment was a fluke 99+ in 2 hours no-one cares about that irl no foid wants or looks at u i mog u looks wise ur way too cocky and not even close to 5.5 ppl humble urself bro. If u were so good looking u would go viral on tik tok already and not post omegle interactions on incel websites the girls aren't in that hot in those or on tinder get a grip
Dude I don’t know you. Leave me alone I don’t care about u or have the energy to go back and forth with you. If u don’t think I’m good looking then good for u. Get a life lil bud
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