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Rage Over


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
I asked my friend for the instagram @ of a girl I found attractive at school and when I checked her following, it was pretty normal at first. Just her friends, all females. Thought “oh wow maybe it’s not so over me”. NOPE, NOT EVEN CLOSE. All of a sudden a bunch of LEAN (all of them were lean and/or gymmaxxed, so like sub 15% BF) HTNs+ were in her following. I fucking hate my life, getting lean takes too long man I just wanna be a lean chad already. I showed my mom a pic of Zeta though and she said I look similar to him because we both have hollow cheeks. Me personally, I don’t see hollow cheeks in the mirror or camera unless I’m looking down at my phone in certain lighting. So i’m not sure what my mom was talking about, but lifefuel for my leanmaxxing. It’s still over because these women be chad only :(
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  • #2
That bitch still hasn’t worn a normal shirt either 💀 literally every day of school she has a crazy crop top on exposing her entire chest. Just crazy lol.
Yeah man, I want her NGL she’s very good looking. Too bad i’m a fucking LTN like shiet man it’s tough. Leanmaxxing is law though so it’s not over yet…
Its tough out here man. I'm trying to get leaner for the upcoming school year as well. Wishing the best for you. Leanmaxxing is law.
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  • #7
Its tough out here man. I'm trying to get leaner for the upcoming school year as well. Wishing the best for you. Leanmaxxing is law.
You don’t know it’s over until you get lean!
Man it pisses me off. Gone are the days of decency.
Swear bro. Like it’s not even worth talking to those type of girls because you already know they’ll 1, cuck you which is bad on its own, but 2 they’ll be the worst human beings you ever meet.
You don’t know it’s over until you get lean!

Swear bro. Like it’s not even worth talking to those type of girls because you already know they’ll 1, cuck you which is bad on its own, but 2 they’ll be the worst human beings you ever meet.
All of the girls I've met or known of that fit the description you provide are awful people.
You don’t know it’s over until you get lean!

Swear bro. Like it’s not even worth talking to those type of girls because you already know they’ll 1, cuck you which is bad on its own, but 2 they’ll be the worst human beings you ever meet.
Also, I am relatively lean. But not lean enough.
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  • #11
Might not be over because htns+ have other htbs in there dms to
Bruh those are the only guys on her following though. Chances are she’s a “mean girl” if you know what I mean.
All of the girls I've met or known of that fit the description you provide are awful people.
I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
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  • #12
Also, I am relatively lean. But not lean enough.
Lean is anything under 16% body fat AKA abs, but I don’t think going from 15% to 12% makes that big of a difference. A truly good bone structure would look good at like anything sub 20%, and if it only looks good at 12% then it’s probably very lighting and angle dependent.
Bruh those are the only guys on her following though. Chances are she’s a “mean girl” if you know what I mean.

I feel lethal, on the verge of frenzy. I think my mask of sanity is about to slip.
Don't ER bro.
focus on the grind bro, i also got distracted by a stupid gym guy and it’s been hard not beating myself over it. there’s distractions all around us. keep pushing and grinding, you will reach your potential so just be patient.💯
Lean is anything under 16% body fat AKA abs, but I don’t think going from 15% to 12% makes that big of a difference. A truly good bone structure would look good at like anything sub 20%, and if it only looks good at 12% then it’s probably very lighting and angle dependent.
Problem with me is, even at my relative leanness, I don't have abs. A slight outline at best.
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  • #19
focus on the grind bro, i also got distracted by a stupid gym guy and it’s been hard not beating myself over it. there’s distractions all around us. keep pushing and grinding, you will reach your potential so just be patient.💯
But it’s hard seeing so many attractive girls and knowing you have virtually no chance with them. Just kills you inside.
Problem with me is, even at my relative leanness, I don't have abs. A slight outline at best.
You simply are not there (yet 😉) probably only need like 2 months of leanmaxxing.
But it’s hard seeing so many attractive girls and knowing you have virtually no chance with them. Just kills you inside.

You simply are not there (yet 😉) probably only need like 2 months of leanmaxxing.
One can hope.
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  • #21
Ah the only guys fuck man
Yes, I’m not exaggerating either. Legit all of them are lean with hollow cheeks and stuff and even a couple of them were insanely gymmaxed (I’m 16 btw bruh like this is unfair 😭). What do you think it means if that’s her only folllwong in terms of guys?
But it’s hard seeing so many attractive girls and knowing you have virtually no chance with them. Just kills you inside.
Hate the feeling. Especially when said girls are later spotted with 6'3 Chad the next time you see them.
Yes, I’m not exaggerating either. Legit all of them are lean with hollow cheeks and stuff and even a couple of them were insanely gymmaxed (I’m 16 btw bruh like this is unfair 😭). What do you think it means if that’s her only folllwong in terms of guys?
Gymmaxxed Htn or Cl only
Yes, I’m not exaggerating either. Legit all of them are lean with hollow cheeks and stuff and even a couple of them were insanely gymmaxed (I’m 16 btw bruh like this is unfair 😭). What do you think it means if that’s her only folllwong in terms of guys?
It means she won't settle for less than that.
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  • #26
Hate the feeling. Especially when said girls are later spotted with 6'3 Chad the next time you see them.
Cope, the “6’3 Chad” clearly just made her laugh and showed off his great personality. I hate incels like you who have to make everything lookism based, have you ever tired going outside? Touching grass maybe?
It means she won't settle for less than that.
Fuck shit bitch cunt suck fuck my balls my dick ninja fuck dammnit
Gymmaxxed Htn or Cl only
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  • #27
nah i aint going for insanely skin showing girls
or girls that post their bodies on instagram
i dont even have insta
she wouldnt be in my thoughts because i would 99% chance guess correctly what she's like
So what would you assume she’s like?
nah i aint going for insanely skin showing girls
or girls that post their bodies on instagram
i dont even have insta
she wouldnt be in my thoughts because i would 99% chance guess correctly what she's like
i don’t understand why guys go for girls that show so much honesty, those kinds of girls are very easy. they also tend not to be loyal, i always see guys get with girls like this irl and get their hearts broken. like what did you expect? girls like that always seem to get in the way of everything, i’ve had multiple guys i’ve liked literally taken from me by easy girls🤦‍♀️
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  • #31
dumb attention whore

dont even start with those girls unless you are a masochistic that likes to torture yourself with chad chasing girls
She’s soooooo bad though. I think she’s worth obsessing over for like 3 weeks until I realize I’m a fucking skinny fat LTN with months left of leanmaxxing.
i don’t understand why guys go for girls that show so much honesty, those kinds of girls are very easy. they also tend not to be loyal, i always see guys get with girls like this irl and get their hearts broken. like what did you expect? girls like that always seem to get in the way of everything, i’ve had multiple guys i’ve liked literally taken from me by easy girls🤦‍♀️
also i don’t say this to put down women, there are lots of men that behave this way as well.
i don’t understand why guys go for girls that show so much honesty, those kinds of girls are very easy. they also tend not to be loyal, i always see guys get with girls like this irl and get their hearts broken. like what did you expect? girls like that always seem to get in the way of everything, i’ve had multiple guys i’ve liked literally taken from me by easy girls🤦‍♀️
nah i aint going for insanely skin showing girls
or girls that post their bodies on instagram
i dont even have insta
she wouldnt be in my thoughts because i would 99% chance guess correctly what she's like
This applies to me word for word.
She’s soooooo bad though. I think she’s worth obsessing over for like 3 weeks until I realize I’m a fucking skinny fat LTN with months left of leanmaxxing.
ik i cant help look at some beautiful girls in the hallway

remembering what i look like really drives it thru my head tho, i dont stand a chance nor would i want to associate with that
its classic hopeless lust
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  • #36
ik i cant help look at some beautiful girls in the hallway

remembering what i look like really drives it thru my head tho, i dont stand a chance nor would i want to associate with that
its classic hopeless lust
Dude for real. Because in your mind, you’re still bluepilled deep down inside since that’s all you were told growing up, and then some shit snaps you back into reality and you remember that at the end of the day, you’re just an unloveable LTN. No matter how hard you try, it’s over, you will never be loved, just pack it in man.
i don’t understand why guys go for girls that show so much honesty, those kinds of girls are very easy. they also tend not to be loyal, i always see guys get with girls like this irl and get their hearts broken. like what did you expect? girls like that always seem to get in the way of everything, i’ve had multiple guys i’ve liked literally taken from me by easy girls🤦‍♀️
What she means is she wants a tall, masculine chad. She doesn’t want any betabuxx, sub 5 manlet.
I have to lock in this school year. If I go to prom by myself I'm going to kms.
Dude for real. Because in your mind, you’re still bluepilled deep down inside since that’s all you were told growing up, and then some shit snaps you back into reality and you remember that at the end of the day, you’re just an unloveable LTN. No matter how hard you try, it’s over, you will never be loved, just pack it in man.

What she means is she wants a tall, masculine chad. She doesn’t want any betabuxx, sub 5 manlet.
It's crazy how high the bar is for height these days in a HIGH SCHOOL setting man. WHO TF is 6'5!?
I asked my friend for the instagram @ of a girl I found attractive at school and when I checked her following, it was pretty normal at first. Just her friends, all females. Thought “oh wow maybe it’s not so over me”. NOPE, NOT EVEN CLOSE. All of a sudden a bunch of LEAN (all of them were lean and/or gymmaxxed, so like sub 15% BF) HTNs+ were in her following. I fucking hate my life, getting lean takes too long man I just wanna be a lean chad already. I showed my mom a pic of Zeta though and she said I look similar to him because we both have hollow cheeks. Me personally, I don’t see hollow cheeks in the mirror or camera unless I’m looking down at my phone in certain lighting. So i’m not sure what my mom was talking about, but lifefuel for my leanmaxxing. It’s still over because these women be chad only :(
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  • #45
I have to lock in this school year. If I go to prom by myself I'm going to kms.
Yeah dude, it’s brutal when there’s event like those and you have no one to go with.
It's crazy how high the bar is for height these days in a HIGH SCHOOL setting man. WHO TF is 6'5!?
Yeah for sure, a lot of girls reposts are height pilled from what I see.
Yeah no doubt, am I a misogynist for saying I hate myself, but I hate women more?
I never saw anyone 6'5 in real life
Yeah same here, anything 6’1 or above barefoot is seen as tall in my school setting.
Yeah dude, it’s brutal when there’s event like those and you have no one to go with.

Yeah for sure, a lot of girls reposts are height pilled from what I see.

Yeah no doubt, am I a misogynist for saying I hate myself, but I hate women more?

Yeah same here, anything 6’1 or above barefoot is seen as tall in my school setting.
I'm average height in my school setting at 5'11.
Yeah dude, it’s brutal when there’s event like those and you have no one to go with.

Yeah for sure, a lot of girls reposts are height pilled from what I see.

Yeah no doubt, am I a misogynist for saying I hate myself, but I hate women more?

Yeah same here, anything 6’1 or above barefoot is seen as tall in my school setting.
I’ve seen true 6’5” looks crazy especially at my location (you know Dandelions)
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  • #50
I'm average height in my school setting at 5'11.
Not too bad, 5’11 probably would be the average height if that stinky continent didn’t exist.
I’ve seen true 6’5” looks crazy especially at my location (you know Dandelions)
Yup, Amnesia said it’s super chad competition where you live.