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Feb 7, 2025
i read somewhere that girls who start puberty early turn out to be shorter compared to those who start at 12 onwards. i've been trying to grow taller in the past few months but now i am utterly demoralized after reading that article. i'm scared my growth plates have already closed because i got my period when i was 9 or 10. will i be a femlet forever? or is there still hope?
i read somewhere that girls who start puberty early turn out to be shorter compared to those who start at 12 onwards. i've been trying to grow taller in the past few months but now i am utterly demoralized after reading that article. i'm scared my growth plates have already closed because i got my period when i was 9 or 10. will i be a femlet forever? or is there still hope?​
idk, but I got it at about 11 and I'm 178 cm and my mom got it at 16 and she's 159 cm it's bullshit
i read somewhere that girls who start puberty early turn out to be shorter compared to those who start at 12 onwards. i've been trying to grow taller in the past few months but now i am utterly demoralized after reading that article. i'm scared my growth plates have already closed because i got my period when i was 9 or 10. will i be a femlet forever? or is there still hope?
how tall are u
do you realize that height is an unattractive trait on women for most men unless theyre a weirdo like me?
i read somewhere that girls who start puberty early turn out to be shorter compared to those who start at 12 onwards. i've been trying to grow taller in the past few months but now i am utterly demoralized after reading that article. i'm scared my growth plates have already closed because i got my period when i was 9 or 10. will i be a femlet forever? or is there still hope?
Keep striving short king