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People can barley take black pill


Well-known member
May 11, 2024
I tried to black pill my friend today and it hit them so hard. It’s understandable ig since the black pill is such a brutal truth of reality that some people can’t even swallow. But there’s nothing but facts to back it up.
I tried to black pill my friend today and it hit them so hard. It’s understandable ig since the black pill is such a brutal truth of reality that some people can’t even swallow. But there’s nothing but facts to back it up.
What did you tell them?
I like how blackpill is essentially just brainrot nihilism, the universe is cold and random and the hand you get dealt in life is just as equally accidental and isn't meaningful in any real way in the grand scheme of things. Yet, humans have put so much value into facets of truly invaluable concepts and things, that something as meaningless as your face can completely change how people around you behave.

However, I'd like to add that while your appearance greatly effects how other people respond to you, it has no hold on your own possible actions. And furthermore while the starting line is different for everyone, and genetic determinism plays a great part in deciding how far back (or forward) you're put on the racing track of life, that's all it determines; the starting point.

And that's what the true philosophy of looksmaxxing is, you started the race further back than others, and to get ahead and achieve your goals you must work hard and better yourself. And while you can stew in your room and cry about the cruelty of it all; that while we break our bones, tear our muscles, and get expensive procedures to achieve a certain look that's considered attractive, there are those out there who have all we could ever want and more simply from being born into it, I'd argue that that's completely unproductive.

The Blackpill is a sad one to swallow, but it's not even the pill you should swallow, to be clearpilled, to see the world as it is but also recognise what it could become, what you could become. To be clearpilled is to be closer to happiness than any Blackpiller ever will be.

Turning into the forum hermit, I show up once in a moon cycle and deliver a random paragraph
you have to swallow as many pills as possible to understand the world. different perspectives give different insights and you dont have to agree with them 100%, but it is interesting and helpful.
If you are born in a god forsaken country or family or born as a sub 5 your life will be hard
I don't know about that. Being born in a shithole country. I feel like I would either be a CEO or a mob boss by now if I were born in some third world slum. However I was born in a middle class American family and I'm lazy parasitic piece of garbage.
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  • #8
I like how blackpill is essentially just brainrot nihilism, the universe is cold and random and the hand you get dealt in life is just as equally accidental and isn't meaningful in any real way in the grand scheme of things. Yet, humans have put so much value into facets of truly invaluable concepts and things, that something as meaningless as your face can completely change how people around you behave.

However, I'd like to add that while your appearance greatly effects how other people respond to you, it has no hold on your own possible actions. And furthermore while the starting line is different for everyone, and genetic determinism plays a great part in deciding how far back (or forward) you're put on the racing track of life, that's all it determines; the starting point.

And that's what the true philosophy of looksmaxxing is, you started the race further back than others, and to get ahead and achieve your goals you must work hard and better yourself. And while you can stew in your room and cry about the cruelty of it all; that while we break our bones, tear our muscles, and get expensive procedures to achieve a certain look that's considered attractive, there are those out there who have all we could ever want and more simply from being born into it, I'd argue that that's completely unproductive.

The Blackpill is a sad one to swallow, but it's not even the pill you should swallow, to be clearpilled, to see the world as it is but also recognise what it could become, what you could become. To be clearpilled is to be closer to happiness than any Blackpiller ever will be.

Turning into the forum hermit, I show up once in a moon cycle and deliver a random paragraph
I like this take your right the clear pill is better than black pill.
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  • #9
I don't know about that. Being born in a shithole country. I feel like I would either be a CEO or a mob boss by now if I were born in some third world slum. However I was born in a middle class American family and I'm lazy parasitic piece of garbage.
Trust me you wouldn’t be a mob boss those chances are low. And you wouldn’t wanna get involved in that life of constant bloodshed. And also it’s better to be a lazy piece of shit in America than some 5’6 sub 5 male born in a shit hole country.
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  • #10
you have to swallow as many pills as possible to understand the world. different perspectives give different insights and you dont have to agree with them 100%, but it is interesting and helpful.
True but some things are undeniable.
Ya, I would refrain from black pilling normal people
Never ends well, plus it’s just pointless because deep down they already know it
Trust me you wouldn’t be a mob boss those chances are low. And you wouldn’t wanna get involved in that life of constant bloodshed. And also it’s better to be a lazy piece of shit in America than some 5’6 sub 5 male born in a shit hole country.
Nah, I certainly have the ingredients. I've lived most my adult life in the developing/third world. Lost all my money in Sihanoukeville back in 2015 and ended up working for a local small time drug dealer who took a shine to me. Never held anything for him, but I took over a couple of street corners for his little operation by myself by using the threat of violence. He took care of me so I figured it was the least I could do. After that he made me his messenger because he was extremely paranoid about going to prison and knew he could trust me. He'd talk to his street dealers and the group of local Turkish expats that he'd use to smuggle pounds of weed to the islands every week only through me. I was his only go between and the only guy working for him who knew where he lived. Every few days I'd meet him at his house to take information to his guys. Sadly the guy spiraled out of control with his gambling and drug use so I abandoned him and went back to China. I knew it wouldn't end well. He was becoming way too paranoid and out of control so I got out.

That was one of the best experiences of my life. In the US I never did anything like that because I never wanted people calling my phone all the time. If I had been forced by necessity growing up I would have definitely gone much further in life.
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Nah, I certainly have the ingredients. I've lived most my adult life in the developing/third world. Lost all my money in Sihanoukeville back in 2015 and ended up working for a local small time drug dealer who took a shine to me. Never held anything for him, but I took over a couple of street corners for his little operation by myself by using the threat of violence. He took care of me so I figured it was the least I could do. After that he made me his messenger because he was extremely paranoid about going to prison and knew he could trust me. He'd talk to his street dealers and the group of local Turkish expats that he'd use to smuggle pounds of weed to the islands every week only through me. I was his only go between and the only guy working for him who knew where he lived. Every few days I'd meet him at his house to take information to his guys. Sadly the guy spiraled out of control with his gambling and drug use so I abandoned him and went back to China. I knew it wouldn't end well. He was becoming way too paranoid and out of control so I got out.

That was one of the best experiences of my life. In the US I never did anything like that because I never wanted people calling my phone all the time. If I had been forced by necessity growing up I would have definitely gone much further in life.
Damn wasn’t expecting that. That’s some shit out of a Netflix series.

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