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personality matters


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
a lot of people say personality is cope which I think is somewhat true but I do think personality does play a major role in appeal. I mean if you are a psl 5 appeal god women will flock to regardless but you will never be able to hold a ltr. If your goal is to become a chad and fuck stacy’s then right on you dont have to worry about your personality at all. but if your goal is to eventually find a nice girl to settle down with, than your looks may not be the only problem. Alot of the popular guys at my school are chads not because of looks (most of them are ltn/mtn) but because of their status and extroverted personality. being an extrovert gives you an immediate advantage in almost any situation. think of elloit rodgers for example, hes a handsome guy but could never get a gf because of his awful personality. and speaking from my own experience my personality is far too abrasive and awkward to be in a relationship guys often find me to be very odd and off putting and im not pretty enough for it to be just passed of as quirky weird girl. Just something to think about🤷‍♀️
TLDR (for sigmas illerate ass): make sure to work on not only improving looks but personality for ltr
a lot of people say personality is cope which I think is somewhat true but I do think personality does play a major role in appeal. I mean if you are a psl 5 appeal god women will flock to regardless but you will never be able to hold a ltr. If your goal is to become a chad and fuck stacy’s then right on you dont have to worry about your personality at all. but if your goal is to eventually find a nice girl to settle down with, than your looks may not be the only problem. Alot of the popular guys at my school are chads not because of looks (most of them are ltn/mtn) but because of their status and extroverted personality. being an extrovert gives you an immediate advantage in almost any situation. think of elloit rodgers for example, hes a handsome guy but could never get a gf because of his awful personality. and speaking from my own experience my personality is far too abrasive and awkward to be in a relationship guys often find me to be very odd and off putting and im not pretty enough for it to be just passed of as quirky weird girl. Just something to think about🤷‍♀️
TLDR (for sigmas illerate ass): make sure to work on not only improving looks but personality for ltr
sigma is high iq and very literature and intelligence

kep copyng dnr
the meaner you are to me the more i like u i hope u know that

also idk wtf that means bhai
stay away from me

I meant the thread is obvious

when someone says something is water they mean that it was obvious and was not need to be stated

water is wet

u don't need to state water is wet so people use water for obvious things which didn't need to be stated
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  • #10
stay away from me

I meant the thread is obvious

when someone says something is water they mean that it was obvious and was not need to be stated

water is wet

u don't need to state water is wet so people use water for obvious things which didn't need to be stated
i will not stay away from u bud…😈

gee whizz god forbid i want to state my opinion on something even if it obvious
this thread is water

i can read very fast i read everything in 10 seconds
its just i choose not to read some stuff, like when i see the title or format or read the 1st sentence it will disinterest me

anywyas i remmeber i posted a similar thread back when i was a grey or bluecel but i deleted it now lol :kekw:

a lot of people say personality is cope which I think is somewhat true but I do think personality does play a major role in appeal. I mean if you are a psl 5 appeal god women will flock to regardless but you will never be able to hold a ltr. If your goal is to become a chad and fuck stacy’s then right on you dont have to worry about your personality at all. but if your goal is to eventually find a nice girl to settle down with, than your looks may not be the only problem. Alot of the popular guys at my school are chads not because of looks (most of them are ltn/mtn) but because of their status and extroverted personality. being an extrovert gives you an immediate advantage in almost any situation. think of elloit rodgers for example, hes a handsome guy but could never get a gf because of his awful personality. and speaking from my own experience my personality is far too abrasive and awkward to be in a relationship guys often find me to be very odd and off putting and im not pretty enough for it to be just passed of as quirky weird girl. Just something to think about🤷‍♀️
TLDR (for sigmas illerate ass): make sure to work on not only improving looks but personality for ltr
I can’t stress this enough: it’s like fishing, looks are the bait, but character and personality are what reel them in. This goes for both women and men.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #25
this thread is water

i can read very fast i read everything in 10 seconds
its just i choose not to read some stuff, like when i see the title or format or read the 1st sentence it will disinterest me

anywyas i remmeber i posted a similar thread back when i was a grey or bluecel but i deleted it now lol :kekw:

raj alr told me that n1gga🙄🙄🙄😂😂😂🙏🙏🙏🤓🤓🤓
a lot of people say personality is cope which I think is somewhat true but I do think personality does play a major role in appeal. I mean if you are a psl 5 appeal god women will flock to regardless but you will never be able to hold a ltr. If your goal is to become a chad and fuck stacy’s then right on you dont have to worry about your personality at all. but if your goal is to eventually find a nice girl to settle down with, than your looks may not be the only problem. Alot of the popular guys at my school are chads not because of looks (most of them are ltn/mtn) but because of their status and extroverted personality. being an extrovert gives you an immediate advantage in almost any situation. think of elloit rodgers for example, hes a handsome guy but could never get a gf because of his awful personality. and speaking from my own experience my personality is far too abrasive and awkward to be in a relationship guys often find me to be very odd and off putting and im not pretty enough for it to be just passed of as quirky weird girl. Just something to think about🤷‍♀️
TLDR (for sigmas illerate ass): make sure to work on not only improving looks but personality for ltr
can he hold a ltr with a non whore tho 🤔
Why would he want to do that? "Settling down" is redpiller cope. No one that is attractive wants to settle down nowadays. Everyone wants pleasure without thinking and attractive people can have it in all of their forms without having to work too much on it. Why do you think marriage is falling?

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