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personalitymaxxing is harder than looksmaxxing


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2023
pretty much title
looksmaxxing will work, its effective, its easy to do and u dont need to step out of ur comfort zone to do most of the things to help u improve there isn’t anything holding u back except money for some stuff
personalitymaxxing requires for u to go out, talk to people and not be a chronically online autist this is especially worse if ur neurodivergent even if people approach you often times u sabotage yourself by being a weirdo and not knowing how to hold a conversation (speaking from experience) anyways it is the worst rage fuel when you try talking to someone for once and you end up sounding even more retarded so instead you just never talk and here we are stuck in the same place regardless if you looksmaxxed or not jfl :bloat:
pretty much title
looksmaxxing will work, its effective, its easy to do and u dont need to step out of ur comfort zone to do most of the things to help u improve there isn’t anything holding u back except money for some stuff
personalitymaxxing requires for u to go out, talk to people and not be a chronically online autist this is especially worse if ur neurodivergent even if people approach you often times u sabotage yourself by being a weirdo and not knowing how to hold a conversation (speaking from experience) anyways it is the worst rage fuel when you try talking to someone for once and you end up sounding even more retarded so instead you just never talk and here we are stuck in the same place regardless if you looksmaxxed or not jfl :bloat:
brb personalitymaxxing
Personality does matter and this is evident due to societies latent sexism against men and women.

For example as portrayed in the Big Bang Theory if a male is too nerdy they are more likely to end up an incel.

Or if a male lives with their parents or parent (due to Evolutionary tradition of a woman requiring a space to raise a family in) they will get less smv from this since it does not match the societal standard of a male with an outgoing personality who owns property. Even though it is technically possible for a woman to own a home of her own, this latent sexism still remains in society. Such as how men are expected to pay 200 dollars for meet and greets women's singles events while women attend for free. Or how men are not allowed to wear dresses and makeup even though I find nothing aesthetically wrong with this picture in fact I find this guy kind of arousing:
That women are allowed male clothing norms and Frauding their appearance with makeup and filters while this is generally frowned upon when men do this. Or wearings sexualized clothing such as a dress which enhances their penile energy.
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you can be hot and still hated. if your personality is shit, don't mean nerdy or whatever. like if you think kicking puppies and whatever is okay, people will hate you. And eventually karma will catch up to you, take your looks if you suck
Personality is honestly looks and voice. You sort those out, like maybe going to a speech therapist if you're awkward or simply learning how to maximise your voice, everything will fall into place.
tbh both personality and looks matter. I always like to say that no matter what, harmony will carry you, whether it be facial harmony or just harmony in general. ik people who are genuinely attractive but their personality is shitty. for some reason, that lowers my impression of them. also, I notice that usually when people have one noticeable bad trait, it can translate to another. For example, if you're attractive, most people will assume that you're also confident and nice. and if you're ugly, people will assume you're evil/awkward (these are a bit exaggerated, but I think you understand.) now, if you rotate it, where your personality is shit, people will start seeing your other traits as more inferior, like attractiveness. I know a girl in my class, at the beginning of the year when I first saw her, I thought, wow, she is extremely beautiful. and she was. people wanted to talk to her. but as the year went on, she was very rude, loud, mean, and on her phone 24/7. now, when I listen to her, her voice sounds grating and she even looks annoying. other people in my class feel this way too. now I'm not trying to specifically call her out, but this is a real thing. people associate one bad quality with another possibly unrelated one. also, my new friends, seemed not particularly attractive in the beginning of the year before I knew them; now I find them better looking (not tryna be sus). so, the way you perceive one's personality can affect how you perceive them overall. so, it's good to learn manners and personalitymaxx. you can still retain pieces of the silly you, but try and do better and improve. it is hard since it is an internal thing that is not fixed with skin care products and other physical modifications. obv both looks and personalitymax. good luck
tbh both personality and looks matter. I always like to say that no matter what, harmony will carry you, whether it be facial harmony or just harmony in general. ik people who are genuinely attractive but their personality is shitty. for some reason, that lowers my impression of them. also, I notice that usually when people have one noticeable bad trait, it can translate to another. For example, if you're attractive, most people will assume that you're also confident and nice. and if you're ugly, people will assume you're evil/awkward (these are a bit exaggerated, but I think you understand.) now, if you rotate it, where your personality is shit, people will start seeing your other traits as more inferior, like attractiveness. I know a girl in my class, at the beginning of the year when I first saw her, I thought, wow, she is extremely beautiful. and she was. people wanted to talk to her. but as the year went on, she was very rude, loud, mean, and on her phone 24/7. now, when I listen to her, her voice sounds grating and she even looks annoying. other people in my class feel this way too. now I'm not trying to specifically call her out, but this is a real thing. people associate one bad quality with another possibly unrelated one. also, my new friends, seemed not particularly attractive in the beginning of the year before I knew them; now I find them better looking (not tryna be sus). so, the way you perceive one's personality can affect how you perceive them overall. so, it's good to learn manners and personalitymaxx. you can still retain pieces of the silly you, but try and do better and improve. it is hard since it is an internal thing that is not fixed with skin care products and other physical modifications. obv both looks and personalitymax. good luck
this should be a thread

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