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Discussion Pic: I have green eyes

buddy is too high inhib, if you're really desperate to be taller you should def do it
Desperate ≠ retarded
Hgh is the only main factor that can possibly help me gain like 1 inch but also with the risk of acromegaly, not much growth is possible ngl
Desperate ≠ retarded
Hgh is the only main factor that can possibly help me gain like 1 inch but also with the risk of acromegaly, not much growth is possible ngl
Are your growth plates closed and did you already have a growthspurt?
Are your growth plates closed and did you already have a growthspurt?
Yea I think so, from 12-13 my voice went from super pitched to deeper and I also gained 2 inches but then it all stayed the same, there is a marker on a wall in my house where my height is marked with my name on it, and it was marked 2 years ago, my height is still consistent with the marking
Yea I think so, from 12-13 my voice went from super pitched to deeper and I also gained 2 inches but then it all stayed the same, there is a marker on a wall in my house where my height is marked with my name on it, and it was marked 2 years ago, my height is still consistent with the marking
your puberty started about average and 2 inches in a year is not a lot so you probably didn't have a growthspurt, what tanner stage are you?
Yea I think so, from 12-13 my voice went from super pitched to deeper and I also gained 2 inches but then it all stayed the same, there is a marker on a wall in my house where my height is marked with my name on it, and it was marked 2 years ago, my height is still consistent with the marking
It's overrr man ngl, your dad's height is your limit
Ig we gotta wait and see if he grows or not I doubt it tho, 5'8 isn't the worst height either it's just a teeny bit below average
life starts at 6'0, if you're below that height as an adult you should geomaxx asap to china respectfully
life starts at 6'0, if you're below that height as an adult you should geomaxx asap to china respectfully
Not rlly I'm 6'2 at 15 yet I get no IOIs or any possible signal from females at my school, most of them date 5'7-5'9 prettyboys, I think only older women are attracted to height
Not rlly I'm 6'2 at 15 yet I get no IOIs or any possible signal from females at my school, most of them date 5'7-5'9 prettyboys, I think only older women are attracted to height
who told you that, every woman wants a tall guy no matter her age. What's your rating looks wise?
yea you're somewhere around htn, you shouldn't have problems pulling girls
I don't, there are just way better looking guys at my school that are also much shorter but they get a lot of dates was my point, if you want jb appeal you have to be attractive otherwise your height doesn't mean a lot