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Serious Plastic surgery is depressing


Well-known member
May 26, 2024
I have been reading alot of reviews on plastic surgeons Google page and it's just depressing. These people are trusting these guys with their very lives and more importantly their face; only to be down 100k and their entire face botched and/or in serious pain. They then have to fight for a long time to get their money back (which they almost never get back) and have to spend even more with a different surgeon to fix their botched face and somewhat return to normal.

I was shocked when reading Dr. Barry Eppleys reviews because I have heard he is a top plastic surgeon in the country and alot of people from .org consult with him, but even guys like him botch a fair amount of procedures.

Edit: and on top of that they have a lot of legal protection and immunity so it is hard for them to be prosecuted or stripped of license
I have been reading alot of reviews on plastic surgeons Google page and it's just depressing. These people are trusting these guys with their very lives and more importantly their face; only to be down 100k and their entire face botched and/or in serious pain. They then have to fight for a long time to get their money back (which they almost never get back) and have to spend even more with a different surgeon to fix their botched face and somewhat return to normal.

I was shocked when reading Dr. Barry Eppleys reviews because I have heard he is a top plastic surgeon in the country and alot of people from .org consult with him, but even guys like him botch a fair amount of procedures.

Edit: and on top of that they have a lot of legal protection and immunity so it is hard for them to be prosecuted or stripped of license
Extremely brutal, even surgery can’t save you from your genetics most cases. I do see why people would trust a doctor with their life and face. They are so blinded by the living hellhole of insecurity and mistreatment from others due to their face to a point where they would do some stupid shit like that. We can call them crazy but being stuck in a body and a face that makes your life suck is a living hell.
yes its due to legal contracts
when you sign the papers, it becomes difficult to make the surgeons responsible for the botched surgery, because you signed that risk
this helps them avoid responsibility

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