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Please help me I’m cooked right now I need tips


New member
Jul 30, 2024
I have very chubby cheeks and don’t know how to get rid of them, I also have dark under eyes, an asymmetrical nose and jaw, and upper eyelid exposure. How do I and what do I need to improve on else?
Your camera is really distorting your image. You do have those features, but your camera distancing is making them unreal. Take a better photo, more far away from the camera and pointing to a mirror to increasing the distance and, therefore, decreasing the distortion.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #3
Your camera is really distorting your image. You do have those features, but your camera distancing is making them unreal. Take a better photo, more far away from the camera and pointing to a mirror to increasing the distance and, therefore, decreasing the distortion.


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  • #4
That was the mirror closest to me, be honest and brutal also I’m 16 and 5’11 incase anyone needs to know that
for chubby cheeks you need to be lean + muscular, go to the gym and eat right. you look quite skinny so put some mass on your frame. your cheekbones look good, i can see them, but with being lean and muscular they will look 100x better and more defined. for dark undereyes drink plenty of water and sleep 9-10 hours every night CONSISTENTLY. your nose looks fine to me. for jaw i think you should go to a dentist or ortho for that, not sure how that’s fixed otherwise. for upper eyelid you can’t change that, but you should definitely grow your eyebrows thicker and dye them darker for a better eye area. better brows change ur face for the better. remember to be consistent and patient. 🙌
Your height saves you, but yeah, your face is quiet bad even having some good features such as high checks.

You don't have sharp features accentuated due to lack of bones depth. Also, your symmetry is not popular (Bad).
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  • #7
for chubby cheeks you need to be lean + muscular, go to the gym and eat right. you look quite skinny so put some mass on your frame. your cheekbones look good, i can see them, but with being lean and muscular they will look 100x better and more defined. for dark undereyes drink plenty of water and sleep 9-10 hours every night CONSISTENTLY. your nose looks fine to me. for jaw i think you should go to a dentist or ortho for that, not sure how that’s fixed otherwise. for upper eyelid you can’t change that, but you should definitely grow your eyebrows thicker and dye them darker for a better eye area. better brows change ur face for the better. remember to be consistent and patient.

for chubby cheeks you need to be lean + muscular, go to the gym and eat right. you look quite skinny so put some mass on your frame. your cheekbones look good, i can see them, but with being lean and muscular they will look 100x better and more defined. for dark undereyes drink plenty of water and sleep 9-10 hours every night CONSISTENTLY. your nose looks fine to me. for jaw i think you should go to a dentist or ortho for that, not sure how that’s fixed otherwise. for upper eyelid you can’t change that, but you should definitely grow your eyebrows thicker and dye them darker for a better eye area. better brows change ur face for the better. remember to be consistent and patient. 🙌
Bro I’m on a bulk right now 💀 I wish I could be lean. I’ve been using castor oil and a derma roller on my eyebrows. I have a really bad overbite and need braces do you think that would save my face?
Bro I’m on a bulk right now 💀 I wish I could be lean. I’ve been using castor oil and a derma roller on my eyebrows. I have a really bad overbite and need braces do you think that would save my face?
well keep bulking cause i genuinely couldn’t tell, you still look quite skinny (not saying that in a mean way) and yes maybe it could
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  • #9
Your height saves you, but yeah, your face is quiet bad even having some good features such as high checks.

You don't have sharp features accentuated due to lack of bones depth. Also, your symmetry is not popular (Bad).
Can you rate my side profile? I feel like it’s better than my face


  • image.jpg
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Bro I’m on a bulk right now 💀 I wish I could be lean. I’ve been using castor oil and a derma roller on my eyebrows. I have a really bad overbite and need braces do you think that would save my face?
dye ur eyebrows btw
I know I look kind of small but I’m actually 173
i saw ur 5’11, so honestly just keep going for a while then get cut and lean. bulks are usually always worth it for guys. (from what i’ve heard)
Is bonesmashing a cope? Because I want to try it on my brow ridge to improve my eye area and minimize my eyelid exposure
yes bonesmashing is cope tbh, i find it extremely stupid and extra. could cause more harm than good.
Can you rate my side profile? I feel like it’s better than my face
hoping u aren’t too insecure bro, you will genuinely look good enough to get girls in case that’s what you’re worried abt😭
Braces could cook your development. It is better to do Palate Expander!
agreed, braces will just look more symmetrical and palate expander will make your face actually look better
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  • #22
Palate Expansion will! Do that now!
Okay! What about my eye area? I’ve been trying methods and have been able to make my eyebrows thicker and minimize eyelid exposure but I want more reviews on it
Okay! What about my eye area? I’ve been trying methods and have been able to make my eyebrows thicker and minimize eyelid exposure but I want more reviews on it
Use products to make your brow hair grow, make it denser, it currently lacks visibility and that compromises looks. Maybe painting it black.

But it won't make it perfect because your brows are really too far from your eye
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  • #24
Use products to make your brow hair grow, make it denser, it currently lacks visibility and that compromises looks. Maybe painting it black.

But it won't make it perfect because your brows are really too far from your eye
Should I eyelashmaxx? Would that help?
One last question on this thread. Am I LTN, MTN, or HTN?
rating can be subjective sometimes, to some you’re ltn and others you’re mtn. in my opinion you're mid mtn.
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rating can be subjective sometimes, to some you’re ltn and others you’re mtn. in my opinion you're mid mtn.
you’re * can’t believe i made this r****d mistake
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dnr anything
fix your eyebrows
fix under eye support
mandible palate expander
orthodontics to fix recession
healthy lifestyle
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #36
dnr anything
fix your eyebrows
fix under eye support
mandible palate expander
orthodontics to fix recession
healthy lifestyle
Thank you I am healthy I eat 4000 calories a day and 260 grams of protein for my bulk but I have a fast Metabolism. Also, what do you mean by under eye support?
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  • #38
you have dark circles there
I have been using retinol and caffeine serum for about a few weeks but I have not seen promising results. I also have smile lines which are my biggest insecurity and I don’t know how to make them go away. I have been using a retinol moisturizer on my smile lines for almost a year and they still look the same
I have been using retinol and caffeine serum for about a few weeks but I have not seen promising results. I also have smile lines which are my biggest insecurity and I don’t know how to make them go away. I have been using a retinol moisturizer on my smile lines for almost a year and they still look the same
there are threads here for nasolabial folds (smile lines)
as for under eye support, consider eye cream that contains volufline as well, also icing and more sleep
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