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Discussion Please rate me and give me advice on how to improve my appearance


My twisted world
Jul 30, 2024
Hi, I am 14 years old, my height is 176 centimeters. I would like to know an honest assessment of my appearance and how I can change it for the better and whether it is possible. I really want to change myself, but what I'm doing now is not enough (gouache massage, chin exercises and weight loss).


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Hi, I am 14 years old, my height is 176 centimeters. I would like to know an honest assessment of my appearance and how I can change it for the better and whether it is possible. I really want to change myself, but what I'm doing now is not enough (gouache massage, chin exercises and weight loss).
Are you male or female.
I weigh 75 kg and am currently losing weight
Ya thats probably the only thing you can do right now. You might have a fat deposit in your forehead which makes it look like you have a really prominent brow ridge. You just need to lose weight. No point in looksmaxxing if you’re overweight. Do that first
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  • #7
Ya thats probably the only thing you can do right now. You might have a fat deposit in your forehead which makes it look like you have a really prominent brow ridge. You just need to lose weight. No point in looksmaxxing if you’re overweight. Do that first
Thank you very much for the advice. But I lost 24 kg, and before losing weight I did not have brow ridges.
Thank you very much for the advice. But I lost 24 kg, and before losing weight I did not have brow ridges.D
GOD DAMN well done. Just keep going. Come back when you get to around 55kg
He’s a Barrett cock sucker on looksmax
Makes sense, his face reminds of Barret. I think it could be beneficial for his improvement to inspire himself on Jordan.
