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Experience potential new stack, will eliminate half cause budget, which of those do you guys think have the best Return on investment?


Apr 2, 2024
-17yo, 191cm, 65kg, around 10%bf
  • Calcium Citrate: 1000-1300 mg/day
  • Vitamin D3: 5000-10000 IU/day
  • Vitamin K2 (MK-7): 200-300 mcg/day
  • Magnesium Glycinate: 400-600 mg/day
  • Vitamin C: 2-3 grams/day
  • Vitamin A (Retinol): 5000-10000 IU/day
  • Collagen Peptides: 20-30 grams/day
  • L-Arginine: 5-10 grams/day
  • L-Citrulline: 6-10 grams/day
  • L-Lysine: 1-2 grams/day
  • Creatine Monohydrate: 5-10 grams/day
  • Beta-Alanine: 3.2-6.4 grams/day
  • Betaine Anhydrous (Trimethylglycine): 2.5-5 grams/day
  • HMB (β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate): 3-6 grams/day
  • MK-677 (Ibutamoren): 25 mg/day
  • Growth Hormone-Releasing Peptides (GHRP-2 or GHRP-6): 100-300 mcg, 2-3 times/day
  • Cissus Quadrangularis Extract: 1000 mg/day
  • BPC-157 (Body Protection Compound): 250-500 mcg/day
  • HCG: 200IU daily (still considering)
  • DHEA: 50-100 mg/day
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): 1000-2000 mg/day
  • Zinc Picolinate: 150 mg/day
  • Fenugreek Extract: 600-1200 mg/day
  • Tribulus Terrestris: 1500-3000 mg/day
  • Tongkat Ali: 200-400 mg/day
  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids (Fish Oil): 4-6 grams/day (combined EPA and DHA)
  • Multivitamin: As per product instructions X3
Does tong kat Ali and ash wags da even do anything
I was under the impression they were just supported by minimal evidence
yea, when i look at, it doesn't have a lot of evidence for big changes, still there is some good changes
What’s the grade on examine for it?
Collagen peptides and retinol will be good supplements to invest in ngl best anti-aging
ash A for cortisol B for anxiety

tongkat A for testosterone B for erections(lol)
u prob don’t need the test thing but the ashwaganda might be beneficial then
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  • #12
u prob don’t need the test thing but the ashwaganda might be beneficial then
yes the cortisol thin is huge, but both since i would like to widen my frame even further, and having internal testosterone while getting more growth hormones would be a superior alternative to dht gels
Retinol at least tbh
will look into it might help with the light acnee that sometimes appears
yes the cortisol thin is huge, but both since i would like to widen my frame even further, and having internal testosterone while getting more growth hormones would be a superior alternative to dht gels

will look into it might help with the light acnee that sometimes appears
Does it help with fine lines too?
I can’t recall if it does but if it does you definitely want to have that around to combat aging
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  • #21
then like 50-100 bucks a month i guess, bpc can be pretty expensive, but you can use dermarolling with retinol serum and more vit A retinol topically, rest is just more collagen and protein in diet, just avoid the ones using meatglue because that poison is somehow legal in us
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  • #22
be careful cause having too much of vit a without other substances to keep it in check can cause liver toxicity so use vit c ig
then like 50-100 bucks a month i guess, bpc can be pretty expensive, but you can use dermarolling with retinol serum and more vit A retinol topically, rest is just more collagen and protein in diet, just avoid the ones using meatglue because that poison is somehow legal in us
Yea I gotta get a job first lmao
be careful cause having too much of vit a without other substances to keep it in check can cause liver toxicity so use vit c ig
Would consuming liver help w liver toxicity? Or is that js bullchit
U will get hypervitaminosis and start telogen effluvium
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  • #26
Would consuming liver help w liver toxicity? Or is that js bullchit
could be the opposite actually lol, liver has loads of vit a, the other micronutrients could help but you would have to lay off supplementation
fruit helps too
it aint biohacking if you dont end up in ER, nah if you are careful and high iq enough you will be fine(probably)
U r taking super high dosages of vitamins it will do harm
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  • #30
ascent requires risk ig, also other substances will help with toxicity no?
They will not benefit ur looks much
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  • #34
will obv adjust the dosage of vitamins taken, i know that vitamin toxicity is nothing to play around with, had already some experience with very rough consequences so I'm not that inexperienced, lurked around biohacking forums enough to see people almost kill themselves with megadosing shit
will obv adjust the dosage of vitamins taken, i know that vitamin toxicity is nothing to play around with, had already some experience with very rough consequences so I'm not that inexperienced, lurked around biohacking forums enough to see people almost kill themselves with megadosing shit
List some bio hacking forums
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  • #36
however the vit amounts suggested by doctors and most people are microdoses that do not work
simply so
however the vit amounts suggested by doctors and most people are microdoses that do not work
simply so
Yes megadoses also don't work (very little)
Jeez bro thats a lot of vitamins
Srsly be careful with these doses
You can get some of these from your diet

You dont need these:
  • L-Arginine: 5-10 grams/day
  • L-Citrulline: 6-10 grams/day
  • L-Lysine: 1-2 grams/day
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  • #47
@sigma yes that is the idea, i included all that i have done somewhat deeper research into and will remove untill i have the best ROI for my health and wallet, however regarding arganine and citrulline you should really try it at least once or twice before you knock it, i found it to be great in helping me during workouts and recovery

might adjust the dosage but 3g of each twice a day seemed to work the best for me
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  • #48
Jeez bro thats a lot of vitamins
Srsly be careful with these doses
You can get some of these from your diet

You dont need these:
  • L-Arginine: 5-10 grams/day
  • L-Citrulline: 6-10 grams/day
  • L-Lysine: 1-2 grams/day
yea, i will have to watch my diet not to go into toxicity from supplementation plus diet

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