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Pre puberty

Yes just breathe through your nose and your maxilla will become better when you start going through puberty. My maxilla was shit up until I was 16.5 years old and it changed my eye area, under eye support and got rid of my nasolabial folds. Usually most guys have fully developed maxillas by 15 but since you haven't hit puberty yours will be developed by 2-3 years after puberty has started
Yes just breathe through your nose and your maxilla will become better when you start going through puberty. My maxilla was shit up until I was 16.5 years old and it changed my eye area, under eye support and got rid of my nasolabial folds. Usually most guys have fully developed maxillas by 15 but since you haven't hit puberty yours will be developed by 2-3 years after puberty has started
Thank you and also will my cheek bone structure change during or after puberty?
I’m 14 and i havent hit puberty and I noticed that my Maxilla is receding will puberty save me? And does a receding maxilla cause eye bags?
no it’s over

and yes a receding maxilla causes bad undereye support leading to dark circles
If I do that will it increase my chances of becoming more taller I’m 5’5 at the moment
You're 5'5 pre puberty? Do you have pubjc hair? If you do, then you are jn the very early stages of puberty
Dinka are the tallest people in the world and consume primarily grain
Sorghum is The main staple of the Dinka diet, which is ground into flour and then made into a paste.

sorghum increases DHT levels and DHT is super anabolic for bones!

dht is impossible to aromatize and transform into estrogen which is useful for helping the growth plates close much later.

although the key for me is the insane amount of sunlight they take in