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Prenatal Testosterone is EVERYTHING

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt

As you can see, low prenatal T leads to a typical dolichocephalic gay alien cuck face/skull:

narrow jaw

thin fragile mid mandible

weak chin

Long midface (especially a Long-round nose, which is even more worse since it's a absolute feminine dolichocephalic cuck trait)

feminine narrow mouth

feminine tall and round forehead/hairline

vertically tall Prey eyes

This is why i dont believe in People who say "just mew bruh", mewing is pointless if your genetic Makeup is weak, a low pren T guy will never have such a strong jaw like a high pren T guy, no matter how much he mews/chews

The biggest copers are also the ones who come with nonsense like "Muh high 800ng/dl testosterone Levels"

Most trannies have T Levels of 1200-2000ngl/dl, but do they look like high T? NO, how masculine you look is completely determined by your prenatal T and the General androgenic tendencies of your mom and dad

No testosterone maxxing through injecting or exercise, diet will Change that

The General amount of Androgen receptors and their sensitivity/Density matters WAY more than your test levels

In 49 trained young men, they showed differenced in hypertrophic metrics (e.g. lipid and bone free mass) were correlated with difference in anabolic receptors rather than anabolic receptor agonists (like testosterone).

Your androgen Density determines how easy, fast and efficiently you're able to build muscle

If you have a naturally shit androgen Density, then even strong stuff like tren wont really do much for you compared to a chad who has a naturally perfect androgen receptor makeup

I know several low T framecels who started injecting, even after several weeks of Shooting 1 gram of test and tren a week, they mostly only gained bloat and bitchtits, while the chads of my gym literally exploded after a small cycle of 250mg of test, they gained dry hard mass especially around the neck, delts and chest with Little to no water retention

In the end, your masculinity and thus attractivity is COMPLETELY determined by your genetics, theres not much you can do About it other than surgery

test maxxing is pointless unless your pubertal growth was stunted due to a hormonal deficiency


  • high pren vs low pren.jpg
    high pren vs low pren.jpg
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Prental Testosterone exposure is related with 2D:4D finger ratio.

Lower 2D:4D ratio ( ring finger is longer than index finger) indicates higher exposure to prental testosterone while a high ratio (index finger is longer than ring finger) indicates lower exposure to prental testosterone

im low iq can explain digit ratio pls
You get this ratio by dividing the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger. Therefore if your ring finger is longer you end up with a value lower than 1. Otherwise if your index finger is lower you get digit ratio higher than 1

Prental Testosterone exposure is related with 2D:4D finger ratio.

Lower 2D:4D ratio ( ring finger is longer than index finger) indicates higher exposure to prental testosterone while a high ratio (index finger is longer than ring finger) indicates lower exposure to prental testosterone

You get this ratio by dividing the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger. Therefore if your ring finger is longer you end up with a value lower than 1. Otherwise if your index finger is lower you get digit ratio higher than 1

feels good my ring finger is longer
Prenatal determined isn't really determined by genetics that much though
Prental Testosterone exposure is related with 2D:4D finger ratio.

Lower 2D:4D ratio ( ring finger is longer than index finger) indicates higher exposure to prental testosterone while a high ratio (index finger is longer than ring finger) indicates lower exposure to prental testosterone

You get this ratio by dividing the length of your index finger by the length of your ring finger. Therefore if your ring finger is longer you end up with a value lower than 1. Otherwise if your index finger is lower you get digit ratio higher than 1

My ring finger isn’t longer than my index finger. I’m only 15 so I hope it keeps growing.
Nofap actually increases androgen Density
So there is hope for us
nick u look like er and he was hot
the pic of my frame was taken in the dark from a distance

my face is legit puke worthy in the light from a closer distance

im basically protecting all of your stomachs by not posting my face
Yeah I had high prenetal T which made me an ogre.
Nofap actually increases androgen Density
So there is hope for us
Bro how do you restrain from fapping, that's been my biggest struggle in life; NoFap.. i fap everyday for atleast 5 hours, doing thing they call edging in nofap community. Since past 7yrs my record time of no-fapping is 6 days only 😢, please help
i got a 0.93 digit ratio. not sure It means anything tho, i'm still a cuck. nevertheless,i'm gonna keep mewcelling and gymcelling
View attachment 1562

As you can see, low prenatal T leads to a typical dolichocephalic gay alien cuck face/skull:

narrow jaw

thin fragile mid mandible

weak chin

Long midface (especially a Long-round nose, which is even more worse since it's a absolute feminine dolichocephalic cuck trait)

feminine narrow mouth

feminine tall and round forehead/hairline

vertically tall Prey eyes

This is why i dont believe in People who say "just mew bruh", mewing is pointless if your genetic Makeup is weak, a low pren T guy will never have such a strong jaw like a high pren T guy, no matter how much he mews/chews

The biggest copers are also the ones who come with nonsense like "Muh high 800ng/dl testosterone Levels"

Most trannies have T Levels of 1200-2000ngl/dl, but do they look like high T? NO, how masculine you look is completely determined by your prenatal T and the General androgenic tendencies of your mom and dad

No testosterone maxxing through injecting or exercise, diet will Change that

The General amount of Androgen receptors and their sensitivity/Density matters WAY more than your test levels

In 49 trained young men, they showed differenced in hypertrophic metrics (e.g. lipid and bone free mass) were correlated with difference in anabolic receptors rather than anabolic receptor agonists (like testosterone).

Your androgen Density determines how easy, fast and efficiently you're able to build muscle

If you have a naturally shit androgen Density, then even strong stuff like tren wont really do much for you compared to a chad who has a naturally perfect androgen receptor makeup

I know several low T framecels who started injecting, even after several weeks of Shooting 1 gram of test and tren a week, they mostly only gained bloat and bitchtits, while the chads of my gym literally exploded after a small cycle of 250mg of test, they gained dry hard mass especially around the neck, delts and chest with Little to no water retention

In the end, your masculinity and thus attractivity is COMPLETELY determined by your genetics, theres not much you can do About it other than surgery

test maxxing is pointless unless your pubertal growth was stunted due to a hormonal deficiency
Prenatal T is nothing, i have high prenatal t, but low pubertal t. I think pubertal t matters more, in equation both matters
