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question for guys of the forum


david laid worshipper
Jul 24, 2024
what are some ways girls get you to like them? what personality traits? humor? is it just appearance? if you didn’t like a girl, would there be a thing she could do to get you to like her, or is everything set in stone? also, what are things girls do that immediately just turn you off personality-wise? desperation? sorry i have many questions and i want to understand
Yes, appearance is definitely the most important thing by a good bit. Physical touch from a girl is a big way for a girl to get me to like her.
Desperation does turn me off. When I was 14 there was this girl that was basically obsessed with me and I kinda liked her before she started texting me all the time, Trying to convince me to date her, etc. (She was high mtn btw)
Looks are the most important thing obviously, but as @Clone said, femininity is very attractive. Having a nice and sweet personality would be amazing, having strong morals/values, and in my personal case being a Christian. As for things that turn me off, I just hate it when girls are obnoxious, have masculine behaviour, and are snobby to name a few.
Looks are the most important thing obviously, but as @Clone said, femininity is very attractive. Having a nice and sweet personality would be amazing, having strong morals/values, and in my personal case being a Christian. As for things that turn me off, I just hate it when girls are obnoxious, have masculine behaviour, and are snobby to name a few.
Fellow Christian brother, yesirrr
what are some ways girls get you to like them? what personality traits? humor? is it just appearance? if you didn’t like a girl, would there be a thing she could do to get you to like her, or is everything set in stone? also, what are things girls do that immediately just turn you off personality-wise? desperation? sorry i have many questions and i want to understand
Idk im Asexual
unfortunately i dont talk to women much so i cant get lots of knowledge about their personality
but i would love a smart and nice girl who has a good sense of humor, open mind, patient, caring, hard working
she has to have a decent appearance obviously
preferrably low htb+
also not obsessed with social media, no high screentime and posting pics of her body and other attention seeking stuff
dont need a stylish girl she can dress simple or whatever
unfortunately i dont talk to women much so i cant get lots of knowledge about their personality
but i would love a smart and nice girl who has a good sense of humor, open mind, patient, caring, hard working
she has to have a decent appearance obviously
preferrably low htb+
also not obsessed with social media, no high screentime and posting pics of her body and other attention seeking stuff
dont need a stylish girl she can dress simple or whatever
I'd love it to find a girl that isn't obsessed with social media and has high screen time posting herself online for validation, but as a teenager in 2024, that is like finding a needle in a haystack.
what are some ways girls get you to like them? what personality traits? humor? is it just appearance? if you didn’t like a girl, would there be a thing she could do to get you to like her, or is everything set in stone? also, what are things girls do that immediately just turn you off personality-wise? desperation? sorry i have many questions and i want to understand
I find it really cute when a girl is shy, I’m not into the overly loud type. I also appreciate innocence, if she's too wild and loud mouthed, it's an instant turn off. For me, a pretty face isn’t everything. I like it when a girl relies on me. Some might see that as controlling, but it's actually the opposite. It gives me purpose as a man, I enjoy providing and protecting.
I find it really cute when a girl is shy; I’m not into the overly loud type. I also appreciate innocence, if she's too wild and loud mouthed, it's an instant turn off. For me, a pretty face isn’t everything. I like it when a girl relies on me. Some might see that as controlling, but it's actually the opposite. It gives me purpose as a man, I enjoy providing and protecting.
Gold answer.
Thats Fair you mind if I ask why
Well i cant say🤷‍♂️ Im guessing that its bc all my life up untill recently women never talked to me and I felt like I didnt deserve one bc of my looks and now that im not as ugly anymore im just not intrested. I like to be alone 99% of the time so how would i ever handle having a women. + im also a christian and this makes me fall for lust way less often as most others id say

But I would love having a kid in the future etc but as for now im just not intrested in a women + most women (people in general aswell) disqust me. This generation is doomed. Commiting adultery (hoeing around) is becomming more and more normal by the day.

Id rather be alone the rest of my life then having a women thats used by half the city
Well i cant say🤷‍♂️ Im guessing that its bc all my life up untill recently women never talked to me and I felt like I didnt deserve one bc of my looks and now that im not as ugly anymore im just not intrested. I like to be alone 99% of the time so how would i ever handle having a women. + im also a christian and this makes me fall for lust way less often as most others id say

But I would love having a kid in the future etc but as for now im just not intrested in a women + most women (people in general aswell) disqust me. This generation is doomed. Commiting adultery (hoeing around) is becomming more and more normal by the day.

Id rather be alone the rest of my life then having a women thats used by half the city
I feel u man
Well i cant say🤷‍♂️ Im guessing that its bc all my life up untill recently women never talked to me and I felt like I didnt deserve one bc of my looks and now that im not as ugly anymore im just not intrested. I like to be alone 99% of the time so how would i ever handle having a women. + im also a christian and this makes me fall for lust way less often as most others id say

But I would love having a kid in the future etc but as for now im just not intrested in a women + most women (people in general aswell) disqust me. This generation is doomed. Commiting adultery (hoeing around) is becomming more and more normal by the day.

Id rather be alone the rest of my life then having a women thats used by half the city
Where do you live?
Well i cant say🤷‍♂️ Im guessing that its bc all my life up untill recently women never talked to me and I felt like I didnt deserve one bc of my looks and now that im not as ugly anymore im just not intrested. I like to be alone 99% of the time so how would i ever handle having a women. + im also a christian and this makes me fall for lust way less often as most others id say

But I would love having a kid in the future etc but as for now im just not intrested in a women + most women (people in general aswell) disqust me. This generation is doomed. Commiting adultery (hoeing around) is becomming more and more normal by the day.

Id rather be alone the rest of my life then having a women thats used by half the city
I resonate heavily with this.
what are some ways girls get you to like them? what personality traits? humor? is it just appearance? if you didn’t like a girl, would there be a thing she could do to get you to like her, or is everything set in stone? also, what are things girls do that immediately just turn you off personality-wise? desperation? sorry i have many questions and i want to understand
I like people who aren't pricks, loyal, and not disgusting looking. That, however, is extremely rare!
Let's be honest, physical and sexual attractivity matter first. If the girl isn't your type, you can be friends with her at best.
However it's how she is involved in you as well, it's 50/50 i'd say. If she showed interest in you, like she want to know you, talk to you, spend time with you, dates, sex, cuddles, without feeling you're not her numero uno in her heart. Sweet, feminine, not into extrem misandry or feminism (like she hates men, her ex her ONS, men are all trash, muh she choose bears for example), have some dark humour, is self aware, same political views, same lifestyle, if she wants babies etc etc
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i am not going to think about this
because if i do i won't be able to and will prolly come to a conclusion that will leave me in a dark place

so here are girls i like(personality and looks too)
mayuri-shiina-mayushi.gifwelcome-to-the-nhk-misaki.gifsmile.gifre-zero-rem.gifboku-no-koooro-我內心糟糕的念頭.gifkaguya-shinomiya-kaguya-sama.gifwink-anime.gifmikasa-season4-snk (1).gifmushoku-tensei-fitz.gif

dont steal these n*****s they are my past and future pfps

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