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question for guys of the forum

what are some ways girls get you to like them? what personality traits? humor? is it just appearance? if you didn’t like a girl, would there be a thing she could do to get you to like her, or is everything set in stone? also, what are things girls do that immediately just turn you off personality-wise? desperation? sorry i have many questions and i want to understand
when they manipulate me, threaten me, are a goth mommy or Latina baddie, dark humor, built like Mewtoo, (I just wanna be loved by someone I'm interested in)
im realizing now i should’ve been meaner to the guy i liked
i was way too nice and played it too safely
no no i understand but i was definitely wayy too nice to him
i should’ve at least been more sarcastic and shit rather than be a nice boring girl
sarcastic people that are truly sarcastic are either naturally like that or have been hurt a lot and just cope with being a dick. Fake sarcasm or a persona is a turn off when its forced
sarcastic people that are truly sarcastic are either naturally like that or have been hurt a lot and just cope with being a dick. Fake sarcasm or a persona is a turn off when its forced
ur right it was over for me no matter what personality i tried to put on
I mean you can always get scarred for life and be a hollow shell of what you once were, using dark humor and sarcasm to cope like me.
im trying to be more positive now
everyone irl got tired of my negativity dark humor self deprecating bullshit
things are much better now that i have hope and faith in myself