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Discussion Question for women

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  • #51
Keep fucking coping f****t rawafidh are not Muslim, all kuffars every great shaykh from Ahlu Sunna Waljama'a has declared you non Muslim
oh yeah mate the takfiri "scholar" says shias aren't muslim so they aren't muslim fucking caging :kekw:

might i ask what exactly excludes us from islam despite us believing in لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله?
oh yeah mate the takfiri "scholar" says shias aren't muslim so they aren't muslim fucking caging :kekw:

might i ask what exactly excludes us from islam despite us believing in لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله?
Caging hard at this
Just accept it shias are not Muslims like 97 said. Period.
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  • #57
Caging hard at this
Just accept it shias are not Muslims like 97 said. Period.
still haven't explained how we aren't muslims

caging at a murtad telling me im not muslim while i worship Allah and follow his blessed Messenger Muhammad ﷺ and his progeny
just dont give a shit about the rest of eternity theory yep nice one mate (y) cagefuel
Yes yes, I am gonna burn in hell for not praying 5 times a day right.
Even muslism can’t come to a right conclusion
There’s so many branches of Islam like Sunni , Shia, Sufi, mujahideen, Wahhabism.
Like can y’all say em which is the correct one.
I am totally confused fr.
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  • #63
Why seethe over that
seethe over what im asking why she doesnt believe in islam
If I am murthad so are you according to 97Ba
We can both go to jahanam and burn in hell brother
well if you don't pray 5x a day you are murtad according to sunni islam

im not murtad because i was never muslim according to 97ba :kekw: jfl
seethe over what im asking why she doesnt believe in islam

well if you don't pray 5x a day you are murtad according to sunni islam

im not murtad because i was never muslim according to 97ba :kekw: jfl
Do you pray 5 times a day
I don’t , only once a day at most.
seethe over what im asking why she doesnt believe in islam

well if you don't pray 5x a day you are murtad according to sunni islam

im not murtad because i was never muslim according to 97ba :kekw: jfl
Exactly, even muslism can’t come to a conclusion on which branch of Islam is the truth.
First come to that conclusion and I will revert back to Islam and pray 5times a day and believ in Allah and Muhammad .
Some women are homophobic and racist, depends on their environment and upbringing. However, women tend to be more tolerant than men on average.

When it comes to morality, it's largely objective. Acts like r**e, theft, murder, and lying have been condemned as wrong since the beginning of time. There are core principles that are universally accepted and shouldn't be strayed from. What’s often subjective is not the action itself but the reasoning behind it and whether it’s justified, like stealing to avoid starvation or telling a white lie.
oh yeah mate the takfiri "scholar" says shias aren't muslim so they aren't muslim fucking caging :kekw:

might i ask what exactly excludes us from islam despite us believing in لا إله إلا الله محمد رسول الله?
1) You takfir the companions of the prophet Muhammad صلّى اللّه عليه و سلّم

2) Aqeedah Tehreef-e-Qur’aan. The belief that the Qur’aan is distorted, altered, changed and incomplete. You believe the Quran has been changed etc... DESPITE Allah clearly mentionning the Quran will not be changed.

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩

3) You accuse Aisha of Zina and reject what Allah Ta’ala stated and claim that the Qur’aan is erroneous

No matter how many time you say the shahada as long as you believe in the point above you're a Kaffir, may Allah curse be upon the rawafidh

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  • #70
1) You takfir the companions of the prophet Muhammad صلّى اللّه عليه و سلّم

2) Aqeedah Tehreef-e-Qur’aan. The belief that the Qur’aan is distorted, altered, changed and incomplete. You believe the Quran has been changed etc... DESPITE Allah clearly mentionning the Quran will not be changed.

إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَـٰفِظُونَ ٩

3) You accuse Aisha of Zina and reject what Allah Ta’ala stated and claim that the Qur’aan is erroneous

No matter how many time you say the shahada as long as you believe in the point above you're a Kaffir, may Allah curse be upon the rawafidh

1. the people you call companions are munafiqs according to us who were never muslim to begin with

2. we don't believe that

3. we don't believe that

we are against Aisha because she waged war against Imam Ali (AS) the rightful successor of the Messenger of Allah ﷺ and prevented Imam Hasan (AS) from being buried next to his grandfather ﷺ

she also did many questionable things during the life of the Prophet ﷺ
also, you said at the beginning that objective morality comes from God

so do you admit you're immoral when you support homosexuals and don't pray?
Shut up pls
I don’t support homos, I merely don’t care what they do.
Why should I care what someone does in their bed bruh
Also tell me which branch of Islam is the truth.
I will revert back and become a Muslim if you convince me.
yes because i asked cookie-cel why she left islam and 97ba accused me of kufr JFL
All three of you are pointing fingers and using harsh language. Remember that when discussing religion, compassion should take precedence over judgment. Don't drive each other away from the path of God. instead, offer each other advice and support.
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  • #79
All three of you are pointing fingers and using harsh language. Remember that when discussing religion, compassion should take precedence over judgment. Don't drive each other away from the path of God. instead, offer each other advice and support.
Jazakallah bhai
Shut up pls
I don’t support homos, I merely don’t care what they do.
Why should I care what someone does in their bed bruh
Also tell me which branch of Islam is the truth.
I will revert back and become a Muslim if you convince me.
Twelver Shia Islam
even your Muslim brethren left you behind jfl.
not really my brother if he accuses me of kufr is he jfl
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  • #85
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  • #88
Are you actually Muslim or just a trolling murthad

so sigma bro 😈
Thanks bhai I'm actually proud of how sigma I am
no shia calls sunni kafir lol we dont go around takfiring every other guy like wahhabis
idc? If you're a rafidhi who acknowledge the point made above you're declared a Kaffir by Sunnis.

Ash Shabi- 'They are Jews in disguise' (as-Sunnah 1/497)

Abu Hanifah- 'Whoever doubts the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar is a kafir' (al-Sawaiq al-Muhriqah, Page:362-363)

Malik- 'The one who reviles the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam) does not have any share in Islam. (as-Sunnah 2/557)

Shafi- 'A Rafidhi will have no intercession, this is only for a Muslim' (al-Kafaaya 1/126)

Hanbal- 'The Rafidhi has nothing to do with Islam' (Usul as-Sunnah, Page: 82)

Bukhari- 'I dont see any difference between praying behind a Rafidhi and a Jew' (Khalq af'aalul-Ibaad, Page: 14)

Ibn Tamiyyah- 'They are the most evil people the people of desires and deserve to be killed more than al-Khawarij' (Majmoo' al-Fataawa 28/482)

The 4 madhabs and every great scholar of Islam have declared you kuffar.
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  • #91
Ash Shabi- 'They are Jews in disguise' (as-Sunnah 1/497)

Abu Hanifah- 'Whoever doubts the caliphate of Abu Bakr and Umar is a kafir' (al-Sawaiq al-Muhriqah, Page:362-363)

Malik- 'The one who reviles the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salaam) does not have any share in Islam. (as-Sunnah 2/557)

Shafi- 'A Rafidhi will have no intercession, this is only for a Muslim' (al-Kafaaya 1/126)

Hanbal- 'The Rafidhi has nothing to do with Islam' (Usul as-Sunnah, Page: 82)

Bukhari- 'I dont see any difference between praying behind a Rafidhi and a Jew' (Khalq af'aalul-Ibaad, Page: 14)

Ibn Tamiyyah- 'They are the most evil people the people of desires and deserve to be killed more than al-Khawarij' (Majmoo' al-Fataawa 28/482)

The 4 madhabs and every great scholar of Islam had the chance to have has declared you kuffar.
n***a what are you trying to prove 😭 no way sunni scholars said shias arent muslim
i only trust sahih Bukhara though.
Why should it trust this sahih muslim
i only trust sahih Bukhara though.
Why should it trust this sahih muslim
Sahih Muslim is legit, but he is playing with the words.

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said, quoting from al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad:

It may be that what is meant is those who are rightfully deserving of the caliphate; some of them have already come and passed on, and are known, and this number will inevitably be completed before the Hour begins. End quote
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  • #95
Since sahih Bukhari told me that you @shia.jihadist are kuffar, I will believ it.
Sahih Bukhari on top fr
jfl n***a
doesnt seem like you're reverting to islam anytime soon
may Allah guide you
Sahih Muslim is legit, but he is playing with the words.

An-Nawawi (may Allah have mercy on him) said, quoting from al-Qaadi ‘Iyaad:

It may be that what is meant is those who are rightfully deserving of the caliphate; some of them have already come and passed on, and are known, and this number will inevitably be completed before the Hour begins. End quote
so will you tell me who these 12 caliphs are
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  • #98
n***a do you know what a rafidhi is? They legit said rawafidh are kuffar
yeah i am a rafidhi n***a what do you want me to do about sunni scholars saying shias are kuffar 😭

this argument is so pointless bro may Allah guide you and guide that murtad
yeah i am a rafidhi n***a what do you want me to do about sunni scholars saying shias are kuffar 😭

this argument is so pointless bro may Allah guide you and guide that murtad
Fuck you don’t call me murthad Imma go and pray isha now fr.
Edit: just remembered I am on my periods.

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