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RAJ GRAND DICK (introdicktion)

Hello cels and sexhavers

My name is not Raj but u can call me Raj

I am indian and my mom's pheno is mountain indid and i think my dad has indo nordid cause he looks white(his features) and he has green or hazel eyes (i can't tell )

I don't like studying
I don't like people
I like to eat a lot thats I'm fat

I might be a lil crazy but i am a good person and won't do much harm to anyone if they don't trigger me

I only like vanilla, chocolate, butterscotch ice cream and orange flavour popsicle

I have good bones underneath my fat
I have a tall skull
I prolly have hunter eyes
I have a high gonial angle
I have a very unique bite and it doesn't cause any problems and its good
I don't know about autism but i think i am neuro divergent and i am prolly some form of crazy
I like jbs and young women but i hate them too and i fear them
I have started to grow a lot of facial hair cause i did minoxidil too much
I am around 5 '9
I am around 75 kgs
My eyes are t50 colour
I am a teenager
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he is from the movie: a diary of a wimpy kid. the movie comes from a series of books. rodrick himself is the older brother of the main character
Is it family friendly and good
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