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JFL RAJ's account on .is

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  • #53
people who insult others when it is not a joke are insecure
there is no purpose in it, just be normal when debating, or joke around but not srs insult
Blud is Jimmy two shoes 💀

Blud thinks he's getting the noble prize 💀
No wonder you won’t show your face you f*****g subhuman
I see u can't understand the fact with ur monkey iq that the only reason u r talking to me is cause u posted face
The reason u got made fun of and insulted and showed ur level of understanding is cause u posted face

U think i am on the same level as you?
U seriously think i would be as dumb as you and post my face ?

U are literally a monkey in all cases
No long midrange it’s a shit upper maxilla u f****t can if you can’t examine a face you subhuman Indian
Long midface
Shit upper maxilla
Shit malar projection
Downward grown maxilla

I can do it far better than u

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