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Discussion Rate me lmk wat I should do


New member
Feb 28, 2025
Be honest am I cooked


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lowk brunette might be the move blonde kinda washes u out
Nah that would looksmin him, he lacks the features to rock the dark hair aesthetic (simply cuz he's a basic mtn with no facial halos like jaw or hunter eyes so a rare feature like blonde hair is actually a halo here) his eyebrows are dense and brown which is tempting for the dark aesthetic but his eyes aren't light (they seem hazel or idk) and he lacks the dimorphism or the halos for it so i won't advise him to go for darker hair, i would if he had light blue eyes or gray eyes though

mtn. debloat/lose weight, use minoxidil on eyebrows, shave mustache, change haircut and get rid of eyebags
Agreed, minoxidil can almost improve any eye area it's crazy
Live ur life..leave this incel are gl
Hey thanks man, I appreciate it.
I’m not going to become one of the incels trust me, I just wanted to find out what other people thought of the way I look. People are so fucking fake in real life it’s hard to have people that push you and tell you what to improve on, that’s why I came here. You’re a real one.
lowk brunette might be the move blonde kinda washes u out
I was deadass thinking of buzzing my hair and dying it blonde, probably would be cooked if I did. Gotta keep it the really dirty blonde cause I agree with you now, might go for a mod cut?? Not sure.
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mtn. debloat/lose weight, use minoxidil on eyebrows, shave mustache, change haircut and get rid of eyebags
Thanks I guess it’s better than LTN or whatever tf the lowest is called. There is no losing weight with me man I only weigh 133lb. 4 months ago I was like 4% BF 125lb from smoking weed all day everyday, barely any muscle. Test was cooked.
Now I’m on a super clean lean bulk/gym every other day. I’ve done so much research into food and health yk.
Are you sure that’s not cope? I’m willing to try it for my eyelid exposure. Most def shaving. Thinking of a mod cut, what do you think? Need to look up how to debloat getting in that ASAP. Thanks again bro.
Thanks I guess it’s better than LTN or whatever tf the lowest is called. There is no losing weight with me man I only weigh 133lb. 4 months ago I was like 4% BF 125lb from smoking weed all day everyday, barely any muscle. Test was cooked.
Now I’m on a super clean lean bulk/gym every other day. I’ve done so much research into food and health yk.
Are you sure that’s not cope? I’m willing to try it for my eyelid exposure. Most def shaving. Thinking of a mod cut, what do you think? Need to look up how to debloat getting in that ASAP. Thanks again bro.
well u could still try to debloat ig, and what are u asking If its Cope? minoxidil?
i will just point out ur flaws not to be mean:
u have negative canthal tilt and slight nasolabial folds likely due to a recessed maxilla (fix thru palate expander/thumbpulling)
nose is proportionally too big but its not rlly that big of a deal it doesnt descend u too much
and ur lower jaw isnt projected enough (chew more, palate expander again)

im just assuming that u have recessed maxilla but i cant tell unless i see full side profile, overall id rate u high ltn/low mtn depending on ur height/ physique but u can easily ascend with forward growth, definitely dont buzz ur hair btw u will look retarded(not tryna be mean lol just my opinion)