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Rate my eye area

Agree with tony. You have a chad eye area; no falios such as dark undereyes, eyebags, or wrinkles; have some fairly nice long eyelashes, that doesn't make your face appear too feminine, gives a good masculine look and appeal. I think you have a slight aegyo sal, chico lachowski has one too, so it gives your eyes a more youthful look.
Upper eyelid exposure just looks so bad imo, but I'd say 5.25/10. Also why haven't you injected or used a nasal spray of MT2 yet?
Agree with tony. You have a chad eye area; no falios such as dark undereyes, eyebags, or wrinkles; have some fairly nice long eyelashes, that doesn't make your face appear too feminine, gives a good masculine look and appeal. I think you have a slight aegyo sal, chico lachowski has one too, so it gives your eyes a more youthful look.
Chad eye area? No point in overrating
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