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rating things i got called at school today


Jul 7, 2024
‘pick me’ - 5/10 i don’t think they know what that word means, i hang out with guys because pretty girls make me nervous (no lesbo) and i don’t put down other women

derogatory words towards gay people - ?/10 im a cishet woman

russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it

cunt - 1/10 that’s just rude 🙁

shaelyn - 10/10 my name

touchable - 8/10 because it was my friend 2 points off for the threatening tone
You already saw my hands
Wanna see my feet now? Or will you only be satisfied if I show my pussy
Your probably got your sister to do it for you.

Or whether or not you are a female idc, was this your first account here?
‘pick me’ - 5/10 i don’t think they know what that word means, i hang out with guys because pretty girls make me nervous (no lesbo) and i don’t put down other women

derogatory words towards gay people - ?/10 im a cishet woman

russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it

cunt - 1/10 that’s just rude 🙁

shaelyn - 10/10 my name

touchable - 8/10 because it was my friend 2 points off for the threatening tone
I'll start calling you Shaelyn from now on.
why would u reveal ur name over here
hmm in my school being called a russian by libs is offensive because they hate russians (whole ukraine-russian war) and they call people russian crackheads all the time
less common now bc ppl are more focused on palestine-israel war
depends on what he meant by it
russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it
hmm in my school being called a russian by libs is offensive because they hate russians (whole ukraine-russian war) and they call people russian crackheads all the time
less common now bc ppl are more focused on palestine-israel war
depends on what he meant by it
idc bout all these little wars i need ww3
‘pick me’ - 5/10 i don’t think they know what that word means, i hang out with guys because pretty girls make me nervous (no lesbo) and i don’t put down other women

derogatory words towards gay people - ?/10 im a cishet woman

russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it

cunt - 1/10 that’s just rude 🙁

shaelyn - 10/10 my name

touchable - 8/10 because it was my friend 2 points off for the threatening tone
consider death
‘pick me’ - 5/10 i don’t think they know what that word means, i hang out with guys because pretty girls make me nervous (no lesbo) and i don’t put down other women

derogatory words towards gay people - ?/10 im a cishet woman

russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it

cunt - 1/10 that’s just rude 🙁

shaelyn - 10/10 my name

touchable - 8/10 because it was my friend 2 points off for the threatening tone
people call other people gay, when they themselves go home and try on panties in the mirror smh
‘pick me’ - 5/10 i don’t think they know what that word means, i hang out with guys because pretty girls make me nervous (no lesbo) and i don’t put down other women

derogatory words towards gay people - ?/10 im a cishet woman

russian - 7/10 russian women are hot (no lesbo) but i don’t know how he meant it

cunt - 1/10 that’s just rude 🙁

shaelyn - 10/10 my name

touchable - 8/10 because it was my friend 2 points off for the threatening tone
I didn't know you are Russian.

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