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Read the Bible

i tried, starting with the old testament but it was too long and boring. better to have someone else explain to you the good bits, instead of reading 1 Chronicles 2:3-9:1
anyways knowing the important parts is what matters, like about creation, adam and eve, humans being cast out of eden, noahs ark and the flood, jews escaping egypt, moses getting the laws from god, jesus' life, death, and ascension to heaven and the apocalypse (obviosuly this is a simplification, when you are taught it, it is in more detail and very epic)
also knowing some important verses about god's love
i have before i think
i read all in a day in fourth grade or sum chit
i probably didnt understand any of it though or remember it but the stories were nice
you did NOT read the bible in one day boyo
I don’t remember any lf it but it may have beeen two to three days
Maybe one sick day idk
bible is not boring, old testament is comedic like its a story about a bunch of deranged barbarians, feels like adultswim or southpark episodes
thats crazy bro, around/at least 2,5k pages :ddhuh:
mirin tbh, if i had that kinda drive to finish the whole thing i would
I was in bed all day that day I believe
am planning on reading it after reading quran
trying to read every scripture in the world
night before my exam i was procrastinating so bad i started reading the bible, the torah, and the bhagavad gita (hindu)
i read all in a day in fourth grade or sum chit
Impossible to read a 950 page book in one day bro. A GOOD reader reads around 40 pages per hour, so you would read the entire Bible in 23:45 hours You at 10 years old wouldn't be able to do that much speed lmao.
But read it again, it will do you a lot of good bro
Impossible to read a 950 page book in one day bro. A GOOD reader reads around 40 pages per hour, so you would read the entire Bible in 23:45 hours You at 10 years old wouldn't be able to do that much speed lmao.
But read it again, it will do you a lot of good bro
I was hitting more than 40 pages an hour I was probably skimming the pages near the end

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