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Discussion Regarding Facial Assymetricality 🤔


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2024
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
believe it or not, its your long mid face not your asymmetry that's bad!
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.

You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
Interesting, I looked like this with a buzz
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
Dress black
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
You look cute, that can fuck you up in some cases. Dress black or adopt a more masculine/evil hairstyle like a proper buzzcut. See my thread on buzzcut.
My God it's the same fucking text over and over Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
I had a REALLY bad jaw asymmetry 2 years ago. There are 2 things to consider. First of all I started sleeping on my other side and on my back. I also rested my face on the other side when sitting and stuff. Second, a lot of my jaw asymmetry was caused by my wisdom teeth not coming in yet. My wisdom teeth are coming in very nicely now (they have space because of years of mewing) and my face asymmetry is MOSTLY fixed. Facial exercises also help, and part of my asymmetry is permanent (the total tilt of my chin projection is a little off) but the main part (the tilt of my jaw and my bite) is fixed.
Do I sleep and rest on the bigger side more?
I had a REALLY bad jaw asymmetry 2 years ago. There are 2 things to consider. First of all I started sleeping on my other side and on my back. I also rested my face on the other side when sitting and stuff. Second, a lot of my jaw asymmetry was caused by my wisdom teeth not coming in yet. My wisdom teeth are coming in very nicely now (they have space because of years of mewing) and my face asymmetry is MOSTLY fixed. Facial exercises also help, and part of my asymmetry is permanent (the total tilt of my chin projection is a little off) but the main part (the tilt of my jaw and my bite) is fixed.
If your jaw is hanging/tilting a certain way, you have to sleep on the side that it’s tilted away from
I have an assymetrical face and I don't know what's causing it 🫤. And the difference is very noticeable once you reverse the pics😔.
What is causing it and is there a way to fix it?🧐
could be ur sleeping or chewing on one side more than the other