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Info Relationship between cholesterol and Testosterone


Ϫ Kaiser Ϫ
Established ★
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil

Cholesterol as a Precursor for Testosterone Synthesis

Steroidogenesis: Cholesterol is the precursor for all steroid hormones, including testosterone. The process of converting cholesterol to testosterone involves several enzymatic steps:
Cholesterol Conversion: Cholesterol is first converted to pregnenolone by the enzyme cytochrome P450scc (side-chain cleavage enzyme) in the mitochondria of Leydig cells in the testes.
Intermediate Steps: Pregnenolone is then converted to progesterone, which is subsequently transformed into 17α-hydroxyprogesterone and then androstenedione.
Final Conversion: Androstenedione is finally converted to testosterone by the enzyme 17β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase.


you can observe the similarity between the two molecules​

Influence of Testosterone on Cholesterol Levels

Lipid Profile:
HDL Cholesterol: Testosterone has been shown to lower high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, which is often referred to as "good" cholesterol because it helps remove excess cholesterol from the bloodstream.
LDL and Total Cholesterol: The effects of testosterone on low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol and total cholesterol levels are more variable. Some studies suggest that testosterone can reduce LDL and total cholesterol levels, while others show minimal impact.

Eat a lot of animal fat , preferably raw animal fat , which you can get from raw milk , raw eggs and raw butter , cholesterol is trying to save your life
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your body produces most of the cholestrol it needs, you dont need a lot of dietary cholestrol. so you dont have to eat excessive amounts of animal fats, etc.
as for the image... yeah, duh theyre gonna look similar. they have 4 carbon rings, which is a common trait in ALL steroids. the picture means nothing lol
also there are different types of cholestrol. high LDL is associated with heart disease
just be healthy
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your body produces most of the cholestrol it needs, you dont need a lot of dietary cholestrol. so you dont have to eat excessive amounts of animal fats, etc.
no thats modern propaganda , if the body produces most of the cholesterol it needs then vegans would be fine . animal dietary fat is the an important if not the most important aspect of nutrition
also there are different types of cholestrol. high LDL is associated with heart disease
correlation does not mean causation , people in the blue zones consume a lot of raw animal fat
correlation does not mean causation , people in the blue zones consume a lot of raw animal fat
not saying raw animal fat is bad, but if people wanna get high t and see this thread they might start consuming too much and get bad cholestrol
no thats modern propaganda , if the body produces most of the cholesterol it needs then vegans would be fine . animal dietary fat is the an important if not the most important aspect of nutrition
food gets converted into cholestrol by the liver via fats and carbs. veganism is a shitty diet so they dont get enough fats. fat intake is lowest amongst vegan diets.
i think around 80% of cholestrol is produced by the body. eat healthy fats and carbs, you dont need a lot of direct cholestrol
Tldr: Eat meat, eggs and milk

Basically every time some high iq user makes a big post on test, the conclusion is gonna be the same. The one thing I don't understand. How tf do you know all that complex stuff? Are you a med student?
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food gets converted into cholestrol by the liver via fats and carbs
carbs get converted to Triglyceride which is then packaged as a VLDL(very low-density lipoproteins) aka "very" "bad" cholesterol . carbs are nothing but sugar in the end , most food that are carbs primarily contain almost zero micro nutrients . a carb based diet is slave food
carbs get converted to Triglyceride which is then packaged as a VLDL(very low-density lipoproteins) aka "very" "bad" cholesterol . carbs are nothing but sugar in the end , most food that are carbs primarily contain almost zero micro nutrients . a carb based diet is slave food
im not promoting a carb based diet
everyone eats carbs its in all diets
not saying raw animal fat is bad, but if people wanna get high t and see this thread they might start consuming too much and get bad cholestrol

food gets converted into cholestrol by the liver via fats and carbs. veganism is a shitty diet so they dont get enough fats. fat intake is lowest amongst vegan diets.
i think around 80% of cholestrol is produced by the body. eat healthy fats and carbs, you dont need a lot of direct cholestrol
People consuming cholesterol won’t affect the bodies cholesterol
It’s good to consume

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