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Discussion [ Reply to this thread and I will tell you what I think about you! ]

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #52
Someone who takes routine, discipline and work ethic very serious. I feel like you have a boxer or warrior type of vibe. Very traditional man with good values.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #55
High T BBC

Maybe slight autism because you have trouble getting along with others, or maybe you are just more lower inhib that most on this forum and actually speak about what is on your mind

Either way you are one of the most interesting users on the forum...
High T BBC

Maybe slight autism because you have trouble getting along with others, or maybe you are just more lower inhib that most on this forum and actually speak about what is on your mind

Either way you are one of the most interesting users on the forum...
High t in Reddit maybe
High T BBC

Maybe slight autism because you have trouble getting along with others, or maybe you are just more lower inhib that most on this forum and actually speak about what is on your mind

Either way you are one of the most interesting users on the forum...
What made u think I’m the most interesting user i ask

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