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Results.. mewing 1yr 20m


New member
Aug 7, 2021
Photo from 1mth ago, left side is about a year before the right side. Sorry about lighting, I know it's super inconsistent but I still think my side profile changed. I'm 20 rn

Just sorta hard...? mewing... didn't do thumb pulling or chewing gum (it's weird coz the way I chewed before, I think I was overusing my masseters anyways? would sometimes get sore during meals so I prolly didn't need to do gum chewing), didn't do chin tucks either, just kept posture in mind (look ahead, straight back). I really recently checked my swallowing, I didn't really push using my tongue enough, still used buccinators a bit. Also I'm working on keeping teeth gently closed normally and during swallowing, hopefully the changes will be bigger

Damn if I didn't mouthbreath until I was 18... really wish I discovered proper posture when i was a kid, do you think I can make up for all that time that I lost? I heard the bone in the skull starts becoming harder after puberty

Looking to supplement with k2, I really want more maxilla growth and brow/nose region protrusion for a more hooded/deepset look, do you guys think this is possible?
Thx bro. Yea I also went to the gym but I've been working out for a few years already, I think starting german volume training helped me get past my plateau tho
u have improved ur side profile massively... the difference is night and day good job...
you look like another person
You are Asian... I don't need to say anything else now.
Looks good. Drop your bf% to at least 10% to clean up that neck and you’ll be much happier