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Ridiculous question but i have always wondered why do some dark haired men get ginger beards?

Would say genetics + not terminal hair because ginger beard brunette under minox lose it after 4 or 5 years of treatment. Explain why this is patchy and gross and why men looks better clean shaven sometimes (jacob elordi, christian bale etc)
Would say genetics + not terminal hair because ginger beard brunette under minox lose it after 4 or 5 years of treatment. Explain why this is patchy and gross and why men looks better clean shaven sometimes (jacob elordi, christian bale etc)
Yeah I get fam friend has the same issue but not as bad as elordi(more like guys in main post pic). Happily he doesn't have mouth breather jaw/chin so he looks okay without a beard. I tried to ask for advice here for him but y'all ignored me
Yeah I get fam friend has the same issue but not as bad as elordi(more like guys in main post pic). Happily he doesn't have mouth breather jaw/chin so he looks okay without a beard. I tried to ask for advice here for him but y'all ignored me
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Yeah I get fam friend has the same issue but not as bad as elordi(more like guys in main post pic). Happily he doesn't have mouth breather jaw/chin so he looks okay without a beard. I tried to ask for advice here for him but y'all ignored me
tag me if you need my opinion