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Method Roam Strong (Saitama's Workout)


Aug 21, 2024
One Punch Man
I'm finally following the method I always dreamt of following!

Firstly, a quick intro to the manga if you aren't aware, Saitama's basically a hero for fun who's too strong. That's right, he can easily destroy anybody with a single punch. If only this was possible in reality :/

Anyway, here's the workout routine that Saitama followed to achieve his current physique:
  • 100 Push-Ups

  • 100 Sit-Ups

  • 100 Squats

  • 10 Kilometer (6.2 miles) Running

This routine can be really beneficial for you if you're ready to work on yourself and stay consistent.
Your overall health can improve a lot and it's less risky when it comes to injuries. In my opinion is this the best method for people who want to change their lifestyle!

(Note: this method doesn't help a lot with raw muscle size/strength)

Another reason why I love this method is because it doesn't require any equipment (although I use ankle weights)

Now, obviously you can't just start with such a huge number in a single set that's why I would recommend starting with less reps.

Currently I'm following this workout!

7×7 Push-ups, 7×11 Sit-ups, 7×9 Squats

I've been following this method for 12 days and it has really benefited me. Honestly, I feel absolutely different! Hopefully I'll continue the streak and keep y'all updated! :peepoLove:

Signing off,
Can't tell if you are serious. But this is basically a calisthenics starter pack.

Use different variations of exercises (incline-decline pushups, one leg squats, leg raises, dragon flag). Definitely add pull movements and some mobility exercises into your routine! Instead of long-distance running, try sprinting. Jogging increases a lot ofcortisol and other unwanted hormones, making it inferior to HIIT, which boosts HGH and testosterone production. Don't do it too often though (like twice a weeks is fine), because it's a strain on your ligaments.

You might as well just follow a complete routine from a some kind of calisthenics experts

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