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Ronaldo has becomed a brown man after so much tanning

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  • #9
Portuguese have white skin

But skin is not the only that makes someone white or black

If that was true asians would be white and indian would be black
Indians have straight eyes and are caucasoid because of that, negroids have upturned eyes like east asians.

Light caucasoid = europoid
semi-dark caucasoid = orientalid (arabs)
dark caucasoid = indid
light mongoloid = sinid
semi-dark mongoloid = south mongolid (south east asian)
dark mongoloid = negritid (south east asian negrito people/khoisan)
proto caucasoid = australid (aboriginal)
proto mongoloid = bantuid (south-central african)
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #10
Indians have straight eyes and are caucasoid because of that, negroids have upturned eyes like east asians.

Light caucasoid = europoid
semi-dark caucasoid = orientalid (arabs)
dark caucasoid = indid
light mongoloid = sinid
semi-dark mongoloid = south mongolid (south east asian)
dark mongoloid = negritid (south east asian negrito people/khoisan)
proto caucasoid = australid (aboriginal)
proto mongoloid = bantuid (south-central african)
Sub saharan africans also have monolids or non-hooded eyes like east asians, but west africans are around 25% caucasoid unlike south-central asians, so west africans still have very upturned eyes but have double eyelids, just like 75% east asian and 25% european quapas, the main difference between aboriginals and indians and negritos/khoisan and sub saharan africans is that, aboriginals and sub saharan africans have wide noses and protrouding mouths, then all these types have the same skin color, and the dark and proto types of the same group have the same hair textures.
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