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Safety measures I'm taking for asin


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2023
First off, it has been a pain to get to this point because I had to slave to buy a visa gift card, then find a source, then figure out a plan to camp my mailbox so I don't get caught, all for the aromasin to be out of stock the day I was ready to order it. I'm ordering from brainlabz.

I am going to get a blood test with my doctor appointment coming up, test all the standard hormones and blood levels

I will take fish oil for joint health, ashwaganda and nootropics for brain fog, and L arginine for GH release

I'll also get on T4 + zinc and selenium and eventually HGH
I didn't really experience brain fog, plus what nootropics are you taking anyways im curious
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  • #4
I didn't really experience brain fog, plus what nootropics are you taking anyways im curious
I am not taking any currently, I just saw a thread on .org about it

what dosage were you taking? also, the pharma aromasin on brainlabz has been out of stock for the past week. I just ordered their brand of it, do you think it’s still ok or less potent?
I am not taking any currently, I just saw a thread on .org about it

what dosage were you taking? also, the pharma aromasin on brainlabz has been out of stock for the past week. I just ordered their brand of it, do you think it’s still ok or less potent?
12.5 , Also Idk about brainlabz i get mine from otc because i can use cashapp.
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  • #13
better thn steroid treatment that is expansive and fucks your natural t production forever
yeah, I’m planning on doing HGH but prolly not test until i’m an oldcel

for now I am trying to get my natural T as high as possible and see how well it works by getting tested, if it doesn’t work i’ll swallow the TRT pill but if I can get high natural T then I’m good