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Oct 3, 2024
I never did one of these ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
Hello, my real name is Layla, i'm 15. I live in West Amsterdam. I'm half morroccan. Born christian, reverted to Islam at 11, and am now catholic hmdl hallelujah. ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป I aspire to be a powerful figure within politics one day insha'Allah.

(Single guys 23+ pm me)
I never did one of these ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
Hello, my real name is Layla, i'm 15. I live in West Amsterdam. I'm half morroccan. Born christian, reverted to Islam at 11, and am now catholic hmdl hallelujah. ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป I aspire to be a powerful figure within politics one day insha'Allah.

(Single guys 23+ pm me)
aleykรผm selam
I thought you were fully Moroccan. I'm from Rotterdam. :ez:
I never did one of these ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿป
Hello, my real name is Layla, i'm 15. I live in West Amsterdam. I'm half morroccan. Born christian, reverted to Islam at 11, and am now catholic hmdl hallelujah. ๐Ÿคฒ๐Ÿป I aspire to be a powerful figure within politics one day insha'Allah.

(Single guys 23+ pm me)
Why are you still speaking dirka dirka if you've become Catholic?
Why are you still speaking dirka dirka if you've become Catholic?
I remember you commented something about being into little asian aomen on ym first posr here ever you're a cuck shush
I remember you commented something about being into little asian aomen on ym first posr here ever you're a cuck shush
Yeah, I like Asian women.

Let's see. You're from the Netherlands. You praise God as a Catholic in Haji dirka dirk, but you're calling me the cuck? Lol that's too funny.
Yeah, I like Asian women.

Let's see. You're from the Netherlands. You praise God as a Catholic in Haji dirka dirk, but you're calling me the cuck? Lol that's too funny.
I wasn't even 15 yet when you made that post under my thread trying to groom me into looking asian to please you you're a pedo
you donโ€™t know what trolling is bud
Were you there do you even know what im talking ab did you see the perverted pms i got from him keem