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Experience Sarms came in

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  • #11
No I meant what made you choose it over others
Oh ok. It's the one I looked into the most and it's probably the best sarm. Also doesn't convert to estrogen (might be same with other sarms idk). It also isn't gonna bloat me like crazy and you get ridiculous strength gains from rad from what I've heard. The enclo is to keep natural levels high enough and ill continue the use of the enclo for 2-4 weeks after rad
Also doesn't convert to estrogen (might be same with other sarms idk).
None of them do, SARMs bind to the AR, it is not a hormone itself
It's the one I looked into the most and it's probably the best sarm
Strongest one that is commonly used yeah, but LGD better imo and best is AC-262 ( not for you though )
The enclo is to keep natural levels high enough and ill continue the use of the enclo for 2-4 weeks after rad
Legit, good luck on your gains brah
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  • #13
You seem to know alot about sarms, have you considered using?
I almost did but last-minute shit came up at my uni so I had stop. I'll be training naturally for now till the middle of next year then do AC maybe or just test.
Oh ok. It's the one I looked into the most and it's probably the best sarm. Also doesn't convert to estrogen (might be same with other sarms idk). It also isn't gonna bloat me like crazy and you get ridiculous strength gains from rad from what I've heard. The enclo is to keep natural levels high enough and ill continue the use of the enclo for 2-4 weeks after rad
I’m 18 I’ve been thinking about taking rad for half a year and finally ready to do it do you recommend a certain brand
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  • #25
dont do it brah. real chads grind you think the greeks took sarms> u just gona lower your test and perma gain estrogen
Rad doesn't convert to estrogen buddy. And I'm taking enclomiphene to keep natural levels. Think before you speak
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  • #26
I’m 18 I’ve been thinking about taking rad for half a year and finally ready to do it do you recommend a certain brand
I bought it from a Guy on TikTok said he's been buying from there for many years
I bought it from a Guy on TikTok said he's been buying from there for many years
ok thanks just was wondering if I should take less then the recommended amount and is the hair loss really bad?
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  • #28
ok thanks just was wondering if I should take less then the recommended amount and is the hair loss really bad?
Yes you probably should. I'm not going to tho, I'm gonna take the recommended 20mg of rad. Hair loss is a side effect but I doubt it's gonna happen in just your first cycle. I'm not worried about hair loss tho because i don't have that within my genetics. One 29 year old brother no signs of hair loss and my maternal grandfather never lost his hair at all.
Yes you probably should. I'm not going to tho, I'm gonna take the recommended 20mg of rad. Hair loss is a side effect but I doubt it's gonna happen in just your first cycle. I'm not worried about hair loss tho because i don't have that within my genetics. One 29 year old brother no signs of hair loss and my maternal grandfather never lost his hair at
Yes you probably should. I'm not going to tho, I'm gonna take the recommended 20mg of rad. Hair loss is a side effect but I doubt it's gonna happen in just your first cycle. I'm not worried about hair loss tho because i don't have that within my genetics. One 29 year old brother no signs of hair loss and my maternal grandfather never lost his hair at all.
it’s out of stock do you recommend anywhere else or do you think it’s worth waiting and would a 4 week cycle be good? Sorry for all the questions just trying not to mess this up 😭

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