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JFL School food


Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
I’ve been actively looksminning myself by eating schoolfood. No wonder no one in our district that eats school food mogs it’s all filled of shit
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  • #2
I thought it was the stress from school and lack of sleep but it’s probably this fucking food. Filled with seed oils, trans fats and other disgusting shit
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  • #3
Hey it’s easy calories but easy calories are not good calories. I’m probably better off eating fucking McDonald’s than this shit
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  • #4
most of it is garbage, only valid food is mozzy sticks and chocy milk (although these are rarer item finds).
problems happen bc of school stress, sitting in a chair for 7 hours, lack of sleep, and the garbage food
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  • #6
most of it is garbage, only valid food is mozzy sticks and chocy milk (although these are rarer item finds).
problems happen bc of school stress, sitting in a chair for 7 hours, lack of sleep, and the garbage food
Yea sitting all day just totally fucks people over
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  • #7
Even simple pasta meals have borderline 1k calories which is fn ridiculous and it tastes like shit
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  • #8
Only reason I eat it because it is free
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  • #12
school is a form of enslavement they are trying to keep us down
I still enjoy the social part but it’s bs how much our health goes down because of it
I still enjoy the social part but it’s bs how much our health goes down because of it
a jewish man invented shopping malls to boost human socialization but his social experiment failed, now they are abandoned after they were milked dry by capitalism.

i think we need to bring back shopping malls for human socialization and quit the school thing
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  • #15
a jewish man invented shopping malls to boost human socialization but his social experiment failed, now they are abandoned after they were milked dry by capitalism.

i think we need to bring back shopping malls for human socialization and quit the school thing
Maybe but with school you are forced to spend time with people exactly your age for hours. I don’t think it can be replaced that easily
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  • #16
i dont remember school food that often but i do remember grabbing everyones cookie or cinnamoroll whenever someone didnt want it, i got pretty fat. dont recommend.
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  • #18
They have cookies n shut too but even the “healthy” stuff is shit
I dont even eat my own food at school

Only government school provide food in india and its soyslop
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  • #22
I dont even eat my own food at school

Only government school provide food in india and its soyslop
indian school food sounds even worse, what is it like
ban school food, form a movement
what about poor people who cant afford their own food and rely on school food. cant be a chooser if youre a beggar
but defo movement to improve quality of school foods, our schools keep getting budget cuts so the menus become smaller and we run out of food
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  • #28
what about poor people who cant afford their own food and rely on school food. cant be a chooser if youre a beggar
but defo movement to improve quality of school foods, our schools keep getting budget cuts so the menus become smaller and we run out of food
yea this the issue but they can't keep feeding us straight shit

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