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Theory Seems like bass finally got cosmetics for skin/fat +implants or bone grafting

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  • #3
looks like filler
at least he wont fraud anymore
This is random but In your opinion, would/could jaw surgery make me uncanny or worse than how i look now?
This is random but In your opinion, would/could jaw surgery make me uncanny or worse than how i look now?

Honestly the truth is harmony > everything

If your features don’t work with a strong jaw then it can look unnatural, but that’s rare so you’re probably fine

Honestly the truth is harmony > everything

If your features don’t work with a strong jaw then it can look unnatural, but that’s rare so you’re probably fine
Just remember tho that an overly wide jaw can itself look uncanny if you don’t have a long enough face and big enough chin
Just remember tho that an overly wide jaw can itself look uncanny if you don’t have a long enough face and big enough chin
Atesh Sali have a wide jaw but a thin chin and he looks good. You mean recessed chin?
Atesh Sali have a wide jaw but a thin chin and he looks good. You mean recessed chin?
Having a thinner chin is fine, I’m talking more about the length of the chin

Timothée Chalamet has a rather thin chin and still looks good
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  • #12
He frauds he doesn't look like he looks ltn to htn actually
These are screenshots of an ig video on his story he does filterfraud but its unlikely he took the time to figure out a way to edit his face in a casual video
These are screenshots of an ig video on his story he does filterfraud but its unlikely he took the time to figure out a way to edit his face in a casual video
I saw unfrauded pics on his exposed .org thread

He is gay looking mtn

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