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Self-improvement help


New member
Oct 12, 2023
I'm currently 180cm, and 68kg, my main issue is the dilemma of whether I should bulk or not.

  1. My face is very chubby and ugly(This is an honest opinion from myself and other people, not trying to exaggerate it) and disproportionate to my body(which is somewhat skinny in the arms), and I'm curious on whether I should bulk or cut. My goals include running a sub 5-pace 6k(Current pace is about a low 5) as well as benching 2 plates by march(current bench is 165).
  2. I have no clue on whether to cut and lose my face fat first(and lose a bit of muscle) or bulk and just deal with the future insecurity.
  3. My chest is proportionately bigger than my arms, is there maybe a way to prioritize arm growth over chest?
  4. If I do cut, should I switch to calisthenics and build relative strength for a while?
    P.S it is extremely hard for me to track calories(Because I am from Korea)
I'm currently 180cm, and 68kg, my main issue is the dilemma of whether I should bulk or not.

  1. My face is very chubby and ugly(This is an honest opinion from myself and other people, not trying to exaggerate it) and disproportionate to my body(which is somewhat skinny in the arms), and I'm curious on whether I should bulk or cut. My goals include running a sub 5-pace 6k(Current pace is about a low 5) as well as benching 2 plates by march(current bench is 165).
  2. I have no clue on whether to cut and lose my face fat first(and lose a bit of muscle) or bulk and just deal with the future insecurity.
  3. My chest is proportionately bigger than my arms, is there maybe a way to prioritize arm growth over chest?
  4. If I do cut, should I switch to calisthenics and build relative strength for a while?
    P.S it is extremely hard for me to track calories(Because I am from Korea)
1. Prioritize weight loss over weight gain, if you're unsure which to do then go for cutting if looksmaxxing is your goal.
2. Lose weight.
3. I see so many gym bros who train arms too much, a better chest is better than better arms IMO, start doing biceps after back and triceps after chest, or dedicate a day to just arms each week if the imbalance is that big if a deal.
4. There probably is no superior benefit in doing calisthenics over weights for cutting, you should already be doing some calisthenics in your weight training workouts, the main one being pullups/chinups.
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  • #6
because all the foods are mixed together lol, there isn't an exact amount, and I'm not gonna spend half the meal putting every different type of food in a measuring cup to measure the specific calories, eyeballing it doesn't seem like a good idea either.
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  • #8
be healthy
work on arms and do less chest
I tried debloating using ice water in the morning, don't rlly see much of a diff. Is there some secret method or like tea ingredient that might be useful?
Your bmi is 21 so I would say you are ready to bulk. Debloat for puffiness.
If you want to prioritize face instead of Physique yo should get your bmi a little lower before starting to bulk.
Btw it's most probably that you don't have that much fat in face but rather water retention since bmi is actually pretty good
I'm currently 180cm, and 68kg, my main issue is the dilemma of whether I should bulk or not.

  1. My face is very chubby and ugly(This is an honest opinion from myself and other people, not trying to exaggerate it) and disproportionate to my body(which is somewhat skinny in the arms), and I'm curious on whether I should bulk or cut. My goals include running a sub 5-pace 6k(Current pace is about a low 5) as well as benching 2 plates by march(current bench is 165).
  2. I have no clue on whether to cut and lose my face fat first(and lose a bit of muscle) or bulk and just deal with the future insecurity.
  3. My chest is proportionately bigger than my arms, is there maybe a way to prioritize arm growth over chest?
  4. If I do cut, should I switch to calisthenics and build relative strength for a while?
    P.S it is extremely hard for me to track calories(Because I am from Korea)
Do not bulk
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  • #15
Your bmi is 21 so I would say you are ready to bulk. Debloat for puffiness.
If you want to prioritize face instead of Physique yo should get your bmi a little lower before starting to bulk.
Btw it's most probably that you don't have that much fat in face but rather water retention since bmi is actually pretty good
Any tips on debloat besides icing your water? I lowkey wish it was just water retention but its face fat, when I cut in gr 8 my face fat just didn't go down and I tried a lot of things to bring it down.
I tried debloating using ice water in the morning, don't rlly see much of a diff. Is there some secret method or like tea ingredient that might be useful?
cut out salt and processed foods, eat high potassium foods like spinach and banana

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