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Experience Sharing My Progress

@AstroSky , you may loose your position as looksmax jesus in a decade.
Only if I stop improving myself and having my giga skincare stack end for some reason. Plan on introducing hgh and peptides in the mix. Mainly ghk-cu. Bp-157 and another one. They call it it the glow stack. Pretty much like a wolverine healing stack. Got tca raws coming to make almost a life time of medium -deep skin peels. Already on hifu/ cavation with radio frequency. Will be adding ru 58841. Mainly in raw form as a diy soultion. That's one of my main things I do now. I buy the raws from China and save a significant amount of money making my own medication. As for the tretinoin I have tretinoin powder coming and will be compounding a strong formulation. That mogs 0.1% that's for a later date though. Should last me decades.

Skincare and youth maintaining is about synergetic treatments that work together.

Extremely unlike anyone on .org truly understands these treatments like I do. Most have a superficial concept and just think slathering on tretinoin will cure elastic degradation and other layers of the skin. I personally am combing all the known and not well known major treatments to tackle it all at once.

It sounds like a lot of work but really it's pretty simple and doesn't take alot of my time.
Only if I stop improving myself and having my giga skincare stack end for some reason. Plan on introducing hgh and peptides in the mix. Mainly ghk-cu. Bp-157 and another one. They call it it the glow stack. Pretty much like a wolverine healing stack. Got tca raws coming to make almost a life time of medium -deep skin peels. Already on hifu/ cavation with radio frequency. Will be adding ru 58841. Mainly in raw form as a diy soultion. That's one of my main things I do now. I buy the raws from China and save a significant amount of money making my own medication. As for the tretinoin I have tretinoin powder coming and will be compounding a strong formulation. That mogs 0.1% that's for a later date though. Should last me decades.

Skincare and youth maintaining is about synergetic treatments that work together.

Extremely unlike anyone on .org truly understands these treatments like I do. Most have a superficial concept and just think slathering on tretinoin will cure elastic degradation and other layers of the skin. I personally am combing all the known and not well known major treatments to tackle it all at once.

It sounds like a lot of work but really it's pretty simple and doesn't take alot of my time.
Astrosky told Wilk to keep dreaming fr 😂
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