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She is even prettier in motion...Loli Bahia

I truly believe i've seen before she was popular, around 2018/19, she lived in the same city as me, Lyon in France
Lmao have you seen her face to face? How are you still alive? I would've died
Lmao have you seen her face to face? How are you still alive? I would've died
I know the face because i'm pretty sure i've served her multiple times when i was a waiter. Didn't know who she was or what she was doing + I see gl women all day everyday and she was hella young. It was in 2018/19 so i was 21yo, she was probably 16 or 17
I know the face because i'm pretty sure i've served her multiple times when i was a waiter. Didn't know who she was or what she was doing + I see gl women all day everyday and she was hella young. It was in 2018/19 so i was 21yo, she was probably 16 or 17
Oh I get it...I think she was probably modelling back then too
I don't see beautiful women in my area and ahe looks impressive even comparing to celebs anyways
Yeah i agree gl women are rarer than average ones but i still see some to this day