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Should I boost testosterone naturally or medically

Unless seeing a doc costs a fortune where you live - consult an endocrinologist. Even if they're bluepilled, you'll still get the idea of potential cons or lack of them
what are your free and serum T levels currently

you should look into Astrosky’s new thread about test nasal spray
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Unless seeing a doc costs a fortune where you live - consult an endocrinologist. Even if they're bluepilled, you'll still get the idea of potential cons or lack of them
Medicine in my country is cheap af. So im gonna visit doctor.
What are the tests you'd take before considering stuff like test or hgh? Done a bunch of them recently, but i understand kinda nothing
When you go to the endocrinologist to get the blood test you can ask any questions you want, they’ll know better.

Just see where your serum and free test levels are, also different health indicators. I don’t know much about blood tests before steroids.

But as for HGH, there are comprehensive lists on .org that have everything and their explanations. Most of it is health related and to ensure you aren’t predisposed to seriously messing up your hormones

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