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Should I get eyelid surgery?

Will eyelid surgery make me a chad?

  • Yes get it, you will enjoy life as a chad.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • No, enjoy life as a tall HTN.

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
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  • #4
Where is the HTN?
Haha I’ve gotten my face rated by a couple of black pill guys and I always get a 6-7 in the 15-20 percentile. People tell me to get rid of my sleepy eyes to become a Chad. I also talk and date a lot of normie girls but I never attract Stacey’s like Chads.
Haha I’ve gotten my face rated by a couple of black pill guys and I always get a 6-7 in the 15-20 percentile. People tell me to get rid of my sleepy eyes to become a Chad. I also talk and date a lot of normie girls but I never attract Stacey’s like Chads.
I think you should grow out your hair tbh

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