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should i get ll surgery if im 6'1

idk , have been depressed lately. gf doesnt love me and i dont have many friends
A surgery will not fix this

You're above average so it's good, fuck that girl, with that height you have plenty of options

Only social skills will make you having friends.
idk , have been depressed lately. gf doesnt love me and i dont have many friends
And being 3 inches taller will fix this? n***a no friend is gonna look at you and see that your 3 inches taller and automatically become better friends with you, just work on your social skills and don’t blame it on thibgs outside of your control r****d
is it worth it to get limb lengthening surgery if i am 6'1 nd i wanna be 6'4 to make up for my neurodivergence so im not forced to stay with jewish high mtb
no n***a stop trolling
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  • #8
no n***a stop trolling
wasnt trolling , seriously felt like it yesterday
And being 3 inches taller will fix this? n***a no friend is gonna look at you and see that your 3 inches taller and automatically become better friends with you, just work on your social skills and don’t blame it on thibgs outside of your control r****d
A surgery will not fix this

You're above average so it's good, fuck that girl, with that height you have plenty of options

Only social skills will make you having friends.
well , idk but social skills feel like a dead end for me , sure they got much better now . but i just have bad reputation in college cause ex gf was a bitch and she ruined my reputation and its impossible to recover from that plus like no matter how smooth i get at talking , the other person can tell that im not nt at all
is it worth it to get limb lengthening surgery if i am 6'1 nd i wanna be 6'4 to make up for my neurodivergence so im not forced to stay with jewish high mtb
No, you're tall enough. Don't screw up your legs. You don't want to weaken yourself.
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  • #13
R u actually 32 years old
nah im 22 , but my friends joke about me being 32 cause :
1. ive got a daughter
2. i hate phones / electronics a lot
3. my music taste consists of 60s and 70s music
4. i complain about the weather
5. i have big forearms
6. i pull out a newspaper from my bag and read it when im in the metro
Just get Trimax or smth like that

Face >>>>>> height

Much cheaper and significantly more effect without all the side effects of LL
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #19
Just get Trimax or smth like that

Face >>>>>> height

Much cheaper and significantly more effect without all the side effects of LL
yeah , but i dont need trimax
i get women attracted to me but they lose interest due to severe adhd i got
so i was thinking height would help me make them ignore that

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