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smaller breasts


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
does anyone know how to naturally reduce breast size, I have c cups but I want a cups. should I just lose weight period or is there any exercises i can do that can target fat loss in that specefic area?
Wait actually surgery I don't think it should be that expensive
does anyone know how to naturally reduce breast size, I have c cups but I want a cups. should I just lose weight period or is there any exercises i can do that can target fat loss in that specefic area?
Why do you want a cups?
does anyone know how to naturally reduce breast size, I have c cups but I want a cups. should I just lose weight period or is there any exercises i can do that can target fat loss in that specefic area?
honestly im not too sure, but i know some people who used to have like a d cup when they were on the thicker side , not fat but ykwim but they lost alot of weight & it went down to like a b cup , but that depends cause everyones different or i guess you could use a chest binder or whatever which some trans men use to reduce the visibility of breasts but i dont know for sure
does anyone know how to naturally reduce breast size, I have c cups but I want a cups. should I just lose weight period or is there any exercises i can do that can target fat loss in that specefic area?
Join the swim team at your highschool. I was on the swim team for a bit and it was renowned amongst all the girls that competitive swimming, and the training involved, will cause you to lose some of your breasts.
Join the swim team at your highschool. I was on the swim team for a bit and it was renowned amongst all the girls that competitive swimming, and the training involved, will cause you to lose some of your breasts.
More like all. Every female swimmer I've ever seen has zero tits.
More like all. Every female swimmer I've ever seen has zero tits.
Extreme lack of body fat, swimming is good for losing body fat quick, not healthy by any metric though imo unless it’s warm natural creek/river/lake water
Could also be hormonal profile? Idk how swimming impacts that specifically but it could play a role
I want me a tiny little penis. Nice and small to make all the girls go crazy. No girl ever liked a big ugly pecker. Wish I knew a successful way to tinymaxx.
does anyone know how to naturally reduce breast size, I have c cups but I want a cups. should I just lose weight period or is there any exercises i can do that can target fat loss in that specefic area?
Easy. Every girl that trains chest at the gym loses the fat around the breast and eventuslly becomes flat. But it wouldnt be ideal to be flat yk. But you do you

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