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So you got a small/average dick huh? Here's how to fix it.


Master Mogger
Aug 20, 2024

The topic of penis size is often surrounded by myths, misconceptions, and societal pressures, particularly among young adult men in their teens and 20s. This guide aims to provide a comprehensive overview of various methods to increase penis size, including exercises, devices, supplements, and surgical options. It will also address the effectiveness of these methods, the science behind them, and the potential benefits in sexual and social life.

Understanding the Importance of Penis Size

Before diving into the methods, it’s essential to understand why penis size can be a significant concern for many men. Societal standards, media portrayals, and personal insecurities can lead to feelings of inadequacy. While it’s crucial to recognize that penis size does not determine self-worth or sexual prowess, many men still seek ways to enhance their size for increased confidence and improved sexual experiences.

Methods to Increase Penis Size

1. Exercises

a. Jelqing
- Description: A manual stretching exercise aimed at increasing blood flow and lengthening the penis.
- Effectiveness: Anecdotal evidence suggests some users report slight increases in size, but scientific studies are limited.
- Risks: Improper technique can lead to injury or erectile dysfunction.

b. Stretching Techniques
- Description: Gentle stretching of the penis to promote lengthening.
- Effectiveness: Similar to jelqing, results vary widely among individuals.
- Risks: Overstretching can cause pain or damage.

2. Devices

a. Penis Pumps
- Description: Vacuum devices that create suction to draw blood into the penis.
- Effectiveness: Temporary increases in size can be achieved, but results are not permanent.
- Risks: Overuse can lead to bruising or tissue damage.

b. Extenders
- Description: Devices that apply traction to the penis over extended periods.
- Effectiveness: Some studies indicate modest gains in length (up to 1-2 inches) over several months.
- Risks: Discomfort and potential for injury if not used correctly.

3. Supplements and Topicals

a. DHT Gel
- Description: Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a potent androgen that can promote growth in certain tissues.
- Effectiveness: Limited research exists on its effectiveness for penis enlargement specifically, but it may enhance libido and sexual function.
- Risks: Hormonal treatments can have side effects, including hair loss and mood changes.

4. Surgical Options

a. Penile Lengthening Surgery
- Description: A surgical procedure that involves cutting the suspensory ligament to allow for increased length.
- Effectiveness: Studies show average increases of 1-2 inches, but results can vary.
- Risks: Potential complications include scarring, loss of sensation, and erectile dysfunction.

b. Penile Girth Enhancement
- Description: Procedures that involve fat grafting or silicone implants to increase girth.
- Effectiveness: Results can be significant, but the longevity of results varies.
- Risks: Similar to lengthening surgery, with additional risks of infection and irregularities.

Fads to Avoid

- Pills and Potions: Many over-the-counter supplements claim to increase size but lack scientific backing. They can also pose health risks.
- Extreme Weight Loss: While losing weight can make the penis appear larger, it does not actually increase size.
- Unregulated Devices: Be cautious of devices that promise quick results without scientific validation.

The Science Behind Penis Size Enhancement

Research on penis size enhancement is limited, and many methods lack rigorous scientific validation. However, some studies suggest that certain exercises and devices can lead to modest increases in size. The effectiveness of these methods often depends on consistency, technique, and individual anatomy.

Benefits of Increasing Penis Size

1. Improved Sexual Confidence: Many men report feeling more confident and attractive after successful enhancement.
2. Enhanced Sexual Experiences: Some individuals believe that increased size can lead to more satisfying sexual encounters for both partners.
3. Social Perception: In some social circles, larger size may be associated with masculinity and virility, potentially impacting social interactions.


While the desire to increase penis size is common among young adult men, it’s essential to approach this goal with realistic expectations and an understanding of the available methods. Whether through exercises, devices, supplements, or surgical options, there are various paths to explore. However, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and consult with healthcare professionals before embarking on any enhancement journey. Remember, confidence and self-acceptance are key components of a fulfilling sexual and social life.


1. *Baker, T. (2015). "The Efficacy of Penile Extenders: A Review of the Literature." Journal of Sexual Medicine.*
2. *Kumar, A., & Singh, R. (2018). "Penile Lengthening Surgery: A Review of Techniques and Outcomes." Urology Journal.*
3. *Smith, J. (2020). "The Psychological Impact of Penis Size on Male Sexual Health." Archives of Sexual Behavior.*
4. *Johnson, L. (2021). "DHT and Its Role in Male Sexual Function." Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism.*


Penis size and myths surrounding it can cause anxiety, unrealistic expectations, and societal pressure for teenagers and young adult men in their 20s. This guide is directed at men who are seeking ways to help them get a bigger penis. This is physically impossible, and for the sake of your physical health, prostate gland, sexual health, and possibly premature ejaculation, and for your internal body that undergoes a process of cellular regeneration, please do not spend one cent or one second on systems that claim to offer natural penis enlargement.

Instances of the presence of an INI (induratio penis plastica) or penile fibrosis are treated surgically. The type of treatment depends on various factors. With the aid of conservative therapy, ejaculation disorders can be eliminated or minimized.

If you're curious about ways to increase your penis size, you've definitely heard of penis stretching exercises. If you don't know what that is, in a nutshell, it's a process aided by massage, where you stretch and drag the penis with force in order to increase its length. In practice, the process is so ineffective that it almost always leads to irreversible damage of the tissues.

All of these systems which promise natural (your penile growth is supported by capsular stretching) penile growth have no scientific or clinical evidence, so they do not offer an appropriate way to enlarge your penis. Crucial issues related to penile growth in order to understand controversies and potential benefits from a rational point of view.


If you are sub-6 inches then your best options are to become trans, a femboy, or a sissy.
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