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Discussion Socially, It is maybe better to be a normie then a low trust Chad: things are more complex then they look.


Active member
Jan 29, 2024
Researches show that height is socially positive, however, other traits considerate "Chad" and that have been glorified by this community is, mostly, bad for your social life even though it is good for a nightclub.

You see, even if we cut all the low trust dark tried look and remain only the high trust look, some facial traits will still look dumber:
"..., Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes, a larger nose, a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth, and a sharper, pointing, less rounded chin. (...) "
"..., perceived smart male faces are more androgenous(...)"

What I am trying to say is that some of us is lookismaxxing wrongly focusing too much on the characteristics that would grant a short nightclub relationship but that is worse in OTHER social scenes.

It is for this reason that maybe, just maybe, a lookismaxxing focused on social life would be way more different then a lookismaxxing focused on a nightclub or another focussed on a life in academic x life in a dangerous place. And one of the main differences would be the hyper manly aspect and skull robusticity.

So, if I want the max out a look that works in most of society, focusing on having a too sexy look may not be optimal. And we should produce a new set of theory for this specific overall benefits. I will make a latter Trent covering it. Let me get yours opinion.
No I’d rather be low trust chad
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No I’d rather be low trust chad
Ok, but picture this:
A pediatrician that looks like De Poot is more likely to be seen as a pedo or a 6 guy who looks high trust and competent? In job interview, who would look like a good coworker? It is the hight trust 6 guy even though De Poot is more pretty
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No I’d rather be low trust chad
Also, if you can't really ascend, you won't benefit so much out of halo effect but will have the negative avoidance of being low trust. So, mostly, it is better to focus on being high trust normie.
Ok, but picture this:
A pediatrician that looks like De Poot is more likely to be seen as a pedo or a 6 guy who looks high trust and competent? In job interview, who would look like a good coworker? It is the hight trust 6 guy even though De Poot is more pretty
de poot doesnt look like pedo jfl

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