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Some are born to be losers.

if you had bad circumstances you have to fight against the world to win
even then it isnt guaranteed
such is life
life is overrated and not worth it imo
its completely shit
to me, life is life. its not a gift, or a curse. its a chance at experience, good or bad. i am happy that i at least felt, that i met people
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  • #8
obviously some people have circumstances that push them in the wrong direction from an early age but no one literally comes out of the womb as a loser or winner
Yeah they do. It's genetic. Because those very same circumstances will push other people to become excellent. Adversity will either make or break you.
Yeah they do. It's genetic. Because those very same circumstances will push other people to become excellent. Adversity will either make or break you.
no they wont. fuck off with ur bluepilled nonsense. adversity breaks everyone, there isn’t a single person with bad upbringing/environment growing up who became successful
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  • #10
no they wont. fuck off with ur bluepilled nonsense. adversity breaks everyone, there isn’t a single person with bad upbringing/environment growing up who became successful
What a crock of shit. If that were true there wouldn't be a single gangster alive today. If adversity breaks you then you just ain't got the right ingredients. Get out of here with that sissy talk.
What a crock of shit. If that were true there wouldn't be a single gangster alive today. If adversity breaks you then you just ain't got the right ingredients. Get out of here with that sissy talk.
gangsters are not successful you utter r****d. no successful person went through the stuff i did (true adversity). bad environment = bad life
What a crock of shit. If that were true there wouldn't be a single gangster alive today. If adversity breaks you then you just ain't got the right ingredients. Get out of here with that sissy talk.
gangsters are not successful you utter r****d. no successful person went through the stuff i did (true adversity). bad environment = bad life
i understand there is a semi heated debate
pls no use of words to be mean at each other
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  • #13
gangsters are not successful you utter r****d. no successful person went through the stuff i did (true adversity). bad environment = bad life
Yes they are. Some are lavishly successful. Powerful and successful. We're not taking about morality here. Success is independent of morality.

Ok, if you don't like gangsters we can talk about Joseph Stalin. Born into extreme poverty, the likes of which I'm very very sure you've never seen, and with a withered arm but died the supreme ruler of one of the largest empires in history. Saddam Hussein, same story.

I could go on and on, but I'm very tired.

Bad environment + weakness and or stupidity = bad life

You're just weak and don't want to accept responsibility for that. It's easier that way. Comfort is poison. Discomfort from a bad environment is the best teacher in life.
False some people just have to work twice as hard to get half back you aren’t born a looser you just have to work harder
Some are born to lose.
Such is life ig.
I know soem geneticdead ends who never reproduced .
Some people never had a chance at life, imagine the poorest people living in slums struggling through life and found dead in their constructing job and nobody gaf about them . I have seen those soulless lifeless faces. It’s sad .
Yes they are. Some are lavishly successful. Powerful and successful. We're not taking about morality here. Success is independent of morality.

Ok, if you don't like gangsters we can talk about Joseph Stalin. Born into extreme poverty, the likes of which I'm very very sure you've never seen, and with a withered arm but died the supreme ruler of one of the largest empires in history. Saddam Hussein, same story.

I could go on and on, but I'm very tired.

Bad environment + weakness and or stupidity = bad life

You're just weak and don't want to accept responsibility for that. It's easier that way. Comfort is poison. Discomfort from a bad environment is the best teacher in life.
just another dumb genetics coper. environment will always matter more, 100 people put into the same bad environment will live an equally bad life.

ive met countless idiots who were uglier, shorter, dumber than me but who had a much better stress free life, the condition being none of them went through what i did. and similarly ive never seen anyone who had my formative years who didnt have a completely dogshit life. this is why i cant take you looks copers / genetics copers seriously, doesnt match the real world at all
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  • #18
just another dumb genetics coper. environment will always matter more, 100 people put into the same bad environment will live an equally bad life.

ive met countless idiots who were uglier, shorter, dumber than me but who had a much better stress free life, the condition being none of them went through what i did. and similarly ive never seen anyone who had my formative years who didnt have a completely dogshit life. this is why i cant take you looks copers / genetics copers seriously, doesnt match the real world at all
No, it's the society you live in that conditions weakness and stupidity. This is why those with an upbringing such as yours are always dogged by it. They have no equipment.
No, it's the society you live in that conditions weakness and stupidity. This is why those with an upbringing such as yours are always dogged by it. They have no equipment.
yes thats my point its society / upbringing and nothing else. i’d rather have bottom tier trash genetics but with a normal upbringing and formative years than have good genetics with the same life i started with
Life is all predetermined
free will is a myth
and genetics + prenatal/pubertal nutrition are all that matters
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  • #21
yes thats my point its society / upbringing and nothing else. i’d rather have bottom tier trash genetics but with a normal upbringing and formative years than have good genetics with the same life i started with
No, I mean society's conditioned you to be weak in the face of adversity. Telling you you got "trauma" and shit.
No, I mean society's conditioned you to be weak in the face of adversity. Telling you you got "trauma" and shit.
im not weak tho, im just acknowledging how my shit life and inceldom is caused by society not genetics. dont understand how anyone can blame their life situation on just looks or just genetics, its cope as fuck
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  • #23
im not weak tho, im just acknowledging how my shit life and inceldom is caused by society not genetics. dont understand how anyone can blame their life situation on just looks or just genetics, its cope as fuck
Lots of people worse off than you done much better.
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  • #25
worse off than the spoiled fucks on forums who cry about nothing? sure
worse off than me? lol no. thats not possible
Well I've gotta ask them, what happened that makes your life so bad? If you've got good health then there's no excuse.

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