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Something has to change


Aug 10, 2024
If i dont grow this year it will be over (i turned 18 this year) because growth plates will probably close. People have said i am a MTN, i sometimes get compliments from girls but its all due to my appeal, but the biggest problem is my height.
I stand at 5’8 at 18 and i feel so miserable, im doing masai jump + sprinting drinking milk everything i hope its not cope i have to grow up otherwise i dont know what ill do i have some features that hold me back:
Recessed upper maxilla
(Reality) Either a nose job or bonesmash my orbital, nosejobs are not that expensive and can make my maxxila look a bit better
I guess but Im probably going insane at this point not joking
Your best bet for maximizing growth is consuming high calcium high protein and decent amounts of sugar. Get growth plates tested first though
If i dont grow this year it will be over (i turned 18 this year) because growth plates will probably close. People have said i am a MTN, i sometimes get compliments from girls but its all due to my appeal, but the biggest problem is my height.
I stand at 5’8 at 18 and i feel so miserable, im doing masai jump + sprinting drinking milk everything i hope its not cope i have to grow up otherwise i dont know what ill do i have some features that hold me back:
Recessed upper maxilla
(Reality) Either a nose job or bonesmash my orbital, nosejobs are not that expensive and can make my maxxila look a bit better
Sprinting temporarily release HGH , but don't expect anything crazy from it.

Probably should replace milk with raw milk if you can get it.

Massai hunters are tall purely because of their diet and genetics
Fax. A few months ago, I read an article about how sprinting can increase hgh. It said that sprinting 3 times a week (spread out) can help. 70 metres or whatever you want to call em, 5 times straight. Make sure you walk back to the starting point between each sprint. It won't work when the growth plates close but it's worth a shot if you're 18.
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Fax. A few months ago, I read an article about how sprinting can increase hgh. It said that sprinting 3 times a week (spread out) can help. 70 metres or whatever you want to call em, 5 times straight. Make sure you walk back to the starting point between each sprint. It won't work when the growth plates close but it's worth a shot if you're 18.
Ty for trying to save me
If i dont grow this year it will be over (i turned 18 this year) because growth plates will probably close. People have said i am a MTN, i sometimes get compliments from girls but its all due to my appeal, but the biggest problem is my height.
I stand at 5’8 at 18 and i feel so miserable, im doing masai jump + sprinting drinking milk everything i hope its not cope i have to grow up otherwise i dont know what ill do i have some features that hold me back:
Recessed upper maxilla
(Reality) Either a nose job or bonesmash my orbital, nosejobs are not that expensive and can make my maxxila look a bit better
What's your bone age, you can get it assessed by a doctor. Lmk because if you're bone age (which is most likely) at 17+ it's cope for everything regarding height. If you're lucky enough to be at 15.5- 15.75 B.A., Asin+ 10iu hgh can conservatively add 2-3 inches to your height over a year and a half which also does give you close to gigantism levels of hgh. Keep in mind that this will grow your ogre bones and overall everytinhg including your organs.
ay brother fear not (besides genetics) you're still developing! you still have a chance! 5'8 is average! don't be so hard on yourself (unless you insist upon staying average, in that case thats kinda unfortunate)
I don't wanna be one of those mfs whos like "drink milk lil bro" but make sure to get the calcium/sugars in. take supplements if you're worried ab your intake (even if its a lil cope)
do stretching exercises and focus on elongating your spine
posture is everything . don't slouch .
