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something holding this forum back

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #30
we just need more exposure tbh
people will automatically just go to .org if they are looking for a looksmaxxing site like this
and atp .org is way beyond us
anything u think to do with the branding of the site or the vibe?
The branding is fine, this is literally the problem. New users won't know to refresh the page and will just leave
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #31
It’s because of the rules. If the rules were more relaxed people will prefer to be here because females
I forgot, the rules and this are two of the main problems IMO. The rules are how AstroSky and Dean intended it to be though
It’s because of the rules. If the rules were more relaxed people will prefer to be here because females
frl lol
u can barely say n***a or shitpost without getting a warning
I think its to appeal to younger people but it who knows lol
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #33
frl lol
u can barely say n***a or shitpost without getting a warning
I think its to appeal to younger people but it who knows lol
  1. Be Nice: Be respectful and kind to other members of the community. We have a zero-tolerance policy for racism, misogyny, and any other forms of hate speech. Constructive criticism is welcome.
we just need more exposure tbh
people will automatically just go to .org if they are looking for a looksmaxxing site like this
and atp .org is way beyond us
anything u think to do with the branding of the site or the vibe?
nah it’s just because .org got popular when looksmaxxing became a trend on TikTok now it’s where everyone goes by default
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #39
nah it’s just because .org got popular when looksmaxxing became a trend on TikTok now it’s where everyone goes by default
How can you say that when these forums are literally mirror of each other, there are certain things that make this forum inherently unappealing to new members
