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SPIRIT-BODY Looksmaxxing - Play chess not checkers


Elite SoulMaxxer & Looksmaxxer
Sep 3, 2024
Colorado, USA

Your spirit-body updates in REAL-TIME (0-6 hrs) based on your half-soul LOVE & TRUTH CONDITION while your Earth material-body updates in 7 years from your soul's spiritual condition. Many of the best looking "looksmaxxers" on the planet have a mediocre love condition and are VERY ORDINARY looking in spirit-body.. and that is the body they should have been focusing on all along. They are playing checkers, not chess, in a universal game which they don't even know exists yet... resting on the laurels of a BLESSING vs. building something up (LOVE & TRUTH( which anyone can do) and thus vastly beautify your INDESTRUCTIBLE_SPIRIT-BODY.

(1) Once you learn actual truths of the universe which involve aligning with non-religious "God"s perspective (not Sean o'Pry or Chico Lachowski's :) no being will ever be able to legitimately challenge or threaten you in any confronting way including striking fear into you. As the half-soul you are, as you load your soul with actual truth & love from highest universal perspective, you will become increasingly STILL and IMMUTABLE in the universe.. a golden pill(ar) unblinking sharing LOVE & TRUTH for free with other humans and spirits curiously and meekly skirt around you (or simply avoid you in denial).. not sure to believe you or be afraid of you. You will have NO FEAR.. and only a DESIRE TO SHARE TRUTH & LOVE in your heart. Again, this is not some personal perspective.. it's the perspective all people can migate to when they receive
into their heart a free gift from the universe.. Divine_Love... which adds chakras to your spirit-body and also auto-cleanses your soul of Earth debris (relative concepts and Earth false beliefs) which hold you back fro becoming what you were meant to be.

(2) Again.. I cannot reiterate enought, what you are reading is NOT opinion or personal philosophy. When a physicist speaks of gravity.. they are not sharing an opinion. There are objective tests which can be performed reliably which show they speak of a force that is not merely emanating from their own imaginings or personal perspective. They are speaking of A FORCES which operates whether or not you believe in it.. and that is EXACTLY the case there. That is what the ABSOLUTE is. It does not require your participation. You are operating within and under their unavoidable scope of operation and authority.

Hello Dean,

Yes, here are some book recommendations which share ACTUAL (absolute) TRUTH.. vs MERE (relative) HUMAN-WROUGHT opinion.

One of the HUGE ISSUES in the universe which affects incarnates and spirits equally is the damage which human-made religions (particularly those christian-based) . have done to the consciousness of this universe's inhabitants. How so? Because they are half-true and half-false .. so the consequencie is people with good sense (repelled by some of the nonsense or less resonant love messages) end up "throwing the baby (God) out with the bathwater."

Hence, the highest truths in all existence beyond extraterrestials on the natural_love path sound VERY RELIGOUS while not being religious at all.

It's a soul-centric universe.. and you have only 2 members to your core "soul_family". Your soulmate (the other half of yourself..your true lover created for you by God)..and your loving soul-parent -> God.

Two books..not written by humans...but from spirit-realms are:

1) "Book of Truths" from early 1900s (google exactly "babinsky book of truths large format") - This is the most important book in human history. Nothing else even comes close. Hundred plus spirits always identifying themselves and their Earth life share high teachings.
2) "Judas of Kerioth" by Anonymous (channeled)- Half the book describes Jesus' actual first century life (which I have no particular interest in myself) and the other half worth buying it for shares incredible celestial teachings from Judas.. and how he rose out of the hells after death.. etc. He describes the spheres of existence in various chapters as well.

Peace and God Bless.
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More information on your spirit-body.. is available.. if people express interest in this thread..
Noice thread! How do you see individuals practically aligning themselves with these higher truths in daily life given the complexity of navigating both material and spiritual experiences? As you learn more won't living life normally be hard?
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Noice thread! How do you see individuals practically aligning themselves with these higher truths in daily life given the complexity of navigating both material and spiritual experiences? As you learn more won't living life normally be hard?
Dana- Thanks for asking. There are souls who love everyone.. who want to give truth to you and people of Earth for free... endlessly.. :)

You do not have a soul.. You ARE a soul.. wielding 2 vessels/avatars which enable you to explore material and spirit worlds and thus absorb lessons, truth, falsehood, etc. up into your soul from those worldly (good and bad) experiences.

So the emotional and intellectual lessons from experiences will go up through the 2 interdimensional cords (gold and silver) and be stored in our soul's akash (memory bank) forever. However, only those soul-stored memories,actions, desires etc. which have an unloving/negative emotional signature attached to them are guaranteed to affect your future as the Law of Attraction guided by other laws are always trying to get you to expunge error which currently exists in our soul. This is what spiritualists with less detailed understanding of truth will call KARMA.

To clarify, any error in your soul will eventually magnetize/manifest a negative experience (accident, ailment or negative result or interaction with another) in an effort to wake you into the realization YOUR SOUL DEVELOPMENT (good or bad) is a factor in the event occurring in your life. Please note you are responsible in some way (even if partially) for EVERYTHING which occurs in your life.

Right-bodily side ACCIDENTS and AILMENTS indicate you have soul-error towards masculine energies.
Left-bodily side ACCIDENTS and AILMENTS indicate you have soul-error towards feminine energies.

As example, a female who sets poor boundaries and tries to serve others too much.. is thus UNLOVING TO SELF, so she will have FEMALE error (cuz she's a female) in her soul.. making herself susceptible to accidents or ailments on the left side of her body. This will also occur if she is angry at her mom. - Conversely, if she is terminally mad at her Dad or boyfriend or brothers etc. then she is more inclined to have right-side bodily issues or even damage on the right side of her car.

Yes, in fact. There is literally NOTHING more practical than working on your soul-condition daily as the Law of Attraction which creates all universal events operates based on your soul-condition (and the soul condition of the collective) and is responsible for bringing all events into your (1) Earth-body and (2) Spirit-body (sleep and afterlife) lives.

If you want to avoid illness, never have an accident, succeed at work, get along with others, meet great people etc. etc... then focus on learning TRUTH and LOVE (from ABSOLUTE perspective.. not human perspective).

OR.. as a more resonant glaring example to this forum.. if you desire that any cosmetic procedure you undertake goes well.. and the surgeon is on their best performance.. then work on your soul condition.

I had four cosmetic procedures done THIS YEAR on 5/23, 8/15, 8/27.and 8/28.. and every practitioner NAILED IT.. while also highlighting things I wasn't aware of.. Hence, on 8/15 my eye area and shape were corrected when going in I was not aware this critical area was deficient.

More later on your specific question and how others are doing on the spiritual path.. :)
I'm going to the gym.. now that initial recovery time requirements have been met on my last hardmaxx.

I work out 7 days per week and do 20/4 intermittent fasting.

Peace and God Bless.
Not a molecule sorry

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