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Active member
Jul 14, 2024
dubai, istanbul
Is there a way to constantly remind myself to squint, because when I try to squint with my eyes and I try to do it so it is not obvious that I am squinting after 1 to 2 minutes I find myself not squinting again.
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  • #3
it looks autistic and there are better things to do, don’t permasquint
well if you dont make it obvious it looks normal and what ard the other things that can be done to reduce UEE
well if you dont make it obvious it looks normal and what ard the other things that can be done to reduce UEE
pdo threads in the upper eyelids (can be done at home for like $20)

best softmaxx for UEE imo, I’m going to try this very soon, I’ll post my results when I do it.

also eyelid pulling and other little things like that could potentially make a difference
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  • #5
pdo threads in the upper eyelids (can be done at home for like $20)

best softmaxx for UEE imo, I’m going to try this very soon, I’ll post my results when I do it.

also eyelid pulling and other little things like that could potentially make a difference
alr could u tag me when u post the results, maybe ill grab it off amazon too, and is there any tuto on how to apply it i dont want to hit a vain or sm
alr could u tag me when u post the results, maybe ill grab it off amazon too, and is there any tuto on how to apply it i dont want to hit a vain or sm
yeah read Orc’s tutorial on .org
Is there a way to constantly remind myself to squint, because when I try to squint with my eyes and I try to do it so it is not obvious that I am squinting after 1 to 2 minutes I find myself not squinting again.
OBO or autism squint hmmm, im jk theres not much you can do plus squinting can cause crows feet. Clint eastwood og squintmaxxer best example
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  • #11
also clavicular has a video tutorial on his youtube channel
i watched it, its not rlly a tuto tho he js shows how he does it, isnt there like specific pinpoints on the face that needs to be threaded or sm
frauding your eyes is beyond cringe, it is painfully obvious
well if you dont make it obvious it looks normal and what ard the other things that can be done to reduce UEE
No it doesn’t haha
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