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starving has worked so far


Sep 10, 2024
Instagram: ian_pik3
overall 8.8 lbs lost from starving this is afternoon weight so it’ll be every lower when i wake up ill do an update then but i've only starved for around 5 days and its been working pretty well i haven’t felt horrible physically and i have been doing good mentally.


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dude stop starving
u will genuinely lose lean mass and look like shit, ur gonna regret it
i’m seeing the quick results i want i’m already preparing for dieting i’m setting money aside for the items i need to start a healthy diet.
i’ve already starved before and my eating habits are fine i just became lazy.
you’ll learn in the future, right now you feel as if you’re on top of the world and more capable than anyone else. binge eating will always catch up, im warning you right now.
stop before it gets bad.
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  • #9
you’ll learn in the future, right now you feel as if you’re on top of the world and more capable than anyone else. binge eating will always catch up, im warning you right now.
stop before it gets bad.
it’ll get better for me before it gets worse and i’d like to enjoy better even if it won’t last.
your metabolism will start slowing down and you will feel the symptoms of starvation--brittle hair, nails, cold skin, inability to sleep, etc. it will come soon. also your fertility will go to shit.
you may not see it now. but this is not good
your metabolism will start slowing down and you will feel the symptoms of starvation--brittle hair, nails, cold skin, inability to sleep, etc. it will come soon. also your fertility will go to shit.
you may not see it now. but this is not good
Exactly, it may appear to work in the short term, but since your metabolism will slow down you will gain weight more easily when you begin to eat again.
Hope you just end up yo-yoing gaining and "losing " weight only to realise you ended up gaining more than what you were before 💋
overall 8.8 lbs lost from starving this is afternoon weight so it’ll be every lower when i wake up ill do an update then but i've only starved for around 5 days and its been working pretty well i haven’t felt horrible physically and i have been doing good mentally.
Nice toes. Can I have em?
Not sure what your goal is bro, but fasting is fine despite what anyone tells you, just make sure to get electrolytes in you everyday, potassium, sodium, calcium, and magnesium, wouldn't hurt to take other vitamins and minerals as well, like vitamin c. If you feel like shit its because you're not taking electrolyte supplements.
Best to not tell many people you're going days without eating, most people will have a problem with it, I told people I was dieting because I was almost 300lbs and most people I told had a problem with it, one person said I was defying God and that becoming obese is a normal part of aging... LOL!
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  • #20
Best to not tell many people you're going days without eating, most people will have a problem with it, I told people I was dieting because I was almost 300lbs and most people I told had a problem with it, one person said I was defying God and that becoming obese is a normal part of aging... LOL!
any body that has a problem with it should just know my body my choice
This isn't healthy or sustainable.
It would only work if he switched onto eating natural immediately after finishing starvemaxx and eating natural ONLY
any body that has a problem with it should just know my body my choice
of course it's your body your choice but you're clearly young and people don't want to see young people make dumb decisions that lead to life long health and wellbeing issues. while it is your body people aren't just going to rejoice when you do so, people care man and it's something you'll learn as you get older. the numbers on the scale may go down but at what cost?
overall 8.8 lbs lost from starving this is afternoon weight so it’ll be every lower when i wake up ill do an update then but i've only starved for around 5 days and its been working pretty well i haven’t felt horrible physically and i have been doing good mentally.
ur gonna end up like christian bale in that one movie also it probably wont last long u gotta eat eventually jfl
just count ur calories and workout not that hard buddy boyo
dont starve boyyo, you develop body dysmorphia and no matter how much you lose you’ll never be enough. You’ll start binging and end up eventually gaining and losing the same 20 lbs over and over and over and become miserable. youll never be able to have fun or enjoy anything becuase your mind will become consumed with thoughts of food and numbers. your body will eventually go into starvation mode and youll hang onto cal you consume and gain weight in the end. There are plenty of ways to lose weight healthy without starvemaxxing.

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