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don’t starve, i’ve been in your place.
i’m not sure if you’re very fat or not but starving will eventually lead to a binge eating problem that is very difficult to get rid of.
what i recommend is a simply -500 caloric deficit, walk 10k steps a day, eat high protein, eat high volume foods, and weight lift to keep as much lean mass as possible while you are losing.
starving will lead to a horrible skinny fat look and you won’t be happy with how you look. you also lose lots of energy and all you can think about is food, your next meal, what you can’t or can eat. it’s mind torture, you will NOT be happy.
i sure wasn’t, i looked awful when i was starving.
food is important and the way you use it can help you achieve your physique goals.
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  • #8
don’t starve, i’ve been in your place.
i’m not sure if you’re very fat or not but starving will eventually lead to a binge eating problem that is very difficult to get rid of.
what i recommend is a simply -500 caloric deficit, walk 10k steps a day, eat high protein, eat high volume foods, and weight lift to keep as much lean mass as possible while you are losing.
starving will lead to a horrible skinny fat look and you won’t be happy with how you look. you also lose lots of energy and all you can think about is food, your next meal, what you can’t or can eat. it’s mind torture, you will NOT be happy.
i sure wasn’t, i looked awful when i was starving.
food is important and the way you use it can help you achieve your physique goals.
is there any affordable diet that’s low in calories but high in nutrients you’d reccomend?
i don’t have much muscle to begin with i can show you iyw after i get out of school.
alr alr you can dm later

also raj is wrong, with enough fat you can safely survive for months and the record being i think being a year long fast. the only consideration is your gut honestly, being that if you dont shit it will be unpleasant, so laxatives recommended for the first couple of days(if you intend doing a long fast)
Go for a manageable calorie deficit that you can maintain long term or try intermittent fasting. Don’t starve yourself, you’ll lose fat, but also muscle, leading to a skinny fat body. Plus, it’s unsustainable, unhealthy, and will cause things like brain fog. Focus on doing it the right way, make it a healthy lifestyle, not a quick fix.
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  • #14
alr alr you can dm later

also raj is wrong, with enough fat you can safely survive for months and the record being i think being a year long fast. the only consideration is your gut honestly, being that if you dont shit it will be unpleasant, so laxatives recommended for the first couple of days(if you intend doing a long fast)
so should i do around 500 calories and no calorie liquids?
alr alr you can dm later

also raj is wrong, with enough fat you can safely survive for months and the record being i think being a year long fast. the only consideration is your gut honestly, being that if you dont shit it will be unpleasant, so laxatives recommended for the first couple of days(if you intend doing a long fast)
but the outcome of fasting and starving that long is looking like absolute shit, but to each their own lol
is there any affordable diet that’s low in calories but high in nutrients you’d reccomend?
greek yogurt, egg whites, turkey, chicken, broccoli, potatoes, berries, lean steak cuts, and there’s much more i can’t really think of but i’m just giving you what i eat in my personal diet.
tbh i recommend eating whole eggs (maybe adding egg whites to it for more protein if that’s what you need) more bc of the nutrients. it’s a good source of both fat and protein.
make sure you aren’t going too low in calories because it makes it harder to get in all the nutrients you need.
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  • #20
Strave long enough till you reach ultimate enlightenment .. you'll become a demigod

i’ve starved myself before to 130 but it wasn’t manageable keeping my weight that low but the main issue is my lack of outdoor interaction i barely leave my house but I've been doing it more now.
greek yogurt, egg whites, turkey, chicken, broccoli, potatoes, berries, lean steak cuts, and there’s much more i can’t really think of but i’m just giving you what i eat in my personal diet.
tbh i recommend eating whole eggs (maybe adding egg whites to it for more protein if that’s what you need) more bc of the nutrients. it’s a good source of both fat and protein.
make sure you aren’t going too low in calories because it makes it harder to get in all the nutrients you need.
@1280x1080 I’m a fan of Spirulina. It’s a blue green algae superfood with about 65g of protein per 100g. You can easily add the powder to shakes, smoothies, pancakes, and more.
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  • #22
@1280x1080 I’m a fan of Spirulina. It’s a blue green algae superfood with about 65g of protein per 100g. You can easily add the powder to shakes, smoothies, pancakes, and more.
i have a home gym with everything i could need i just don’t use it and i have no ambition to my dad tries to get me to workout but i've never been interested. is there any workouts plans i could use for getting started? i don’t think i should be inhaling large amounts of protein if i don’t workout.
i have a home gym with everything i could need i just don’t use it and i have no ambition to my dad tries to get me to workout but i've never been interested. is there any workouts plans i could use for getting started? i don’t think i should be inhaling large amounts of protein if i don’t workout.
What’s your current height and weight? What’s your body type (fat, skinny, etc.), and do you find that you gain fat easily or not?
i gain fat easily and i’m kind of chubby and my profile shows my body stats
For a beginner with your stats, starting with a balanced approach to both exercise and nutrition will be tje best.

Begin by incorporating full body strength training into your routine 3-4 times a week. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps each.

To support fat loss, add moderate cardio sessions 2-3 times a week, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling. Also, yoi can include High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 2-3 times a week. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods it’s an effective way to burn fat and boost cardiovascular fitness. Start with sessions lasting 15-20 minutes and adjust as you progress.

In terms of nutrition, create a slight calorie deficit around 500 by eating a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and vegetables. Stay hydrated and get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, this will also help with your goals.

Remember to stay consistent with your workouts and diet, and be patient with the process, results take time. If needed, make adjustments based on how your body responds.
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  • #26
For a beginner with your stats, starting with a balanced approach to both exercise and nutrition will be tje best.

Begin by incorporating full body strength training into your routine 3-4 times a week. Focus on compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, and rows, aim for 3 sets of 8-12 reps each.

To support fat loss, add moderate cardio sessions 2-3 times a week, such as brisk walking, jogging, or cycling. Also, yoi can include High Intensity Interval Training

(HIIT) 2-3 times a week. HIIT involves short bursts of intense exercise followed by brief rest periods it’s an effective way to burn fat and boost cardiovascular fitness. Start with sessions lasting 15-20 minutes and adjust as you progress.

In terms of nutrition, create a slight calorie deficit around 500 by eating a balanced diet rich in lean proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, and vegetables. Stay hydrated and get 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night, this will also help with your goals.

Remember to stay consistent with your workouts and diet, and be patient with the process, results take time. If needed, make adjustments based on how your body responds.
is it possible to starve and workout? will i still see progress overtime even though i’m not having any nutrition or protein?
is it possible to starve and workout? will i still see progress overtime even though i’m not having any nutrition or protein?
That’s the worst route you can take. Building a body is 80% about nutrition and 20% about training. If you don’t eat enough, you’ll see minimal to no progress and your body can enter a catabolic state, using both fat and muscle for energy. Instead of rushing to lose weight, it’s better to start slowly and steadily reach your goal, rather than making an early push and never finishing.
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  • #28
That’s the worst route you can take. Building a body is 80% about nutrition and 20% about training. If you don’t eat enough, you’ll see minimal to no progress and your body can enter a catabolic state, using both fat and muscle for energy. Instead of rushing to lose weight, it’s better to start slowly and steadily reach your goal, rather than making an early push and never finishing.
i used to be into the gym a decent bit about 2 years ago and when i staved myself before i had a decent amount of muscle still but now i’ve lost a majority due to me no working out ever.
i used to be into the gym a decent bit about 2 years ago and when i staved myself before i had a decent amount of muscle still but now i’ve lost a majority due to me no working out ever.
It’s hard to believe that you gained muscle without eating anything. The only feasible way to build muscle and lose fat while on a super strict diet would be through steroids.
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  • #30
It’s hard to believe that you gained muscle without eating anything. The only feasible way to build muscle and lose fat while on a super strict diet would be through steroids.
i gained muscle when i was eating and i still worked out when i starved but i lost the weight and didn’t see much muscle loss.
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  • #31
It’s hard to believe that you gained muscle without eating anything. The only feasible way to build muscle and lose fat while on a super strict diet would be through steroids.
i wasn’t making any muscle gains i was maintaining it somewhat decently though.
i gained muscle when i was eating and i still worked out when i starved but i lost the weight and didn’t see much muscle loss.
Ah, I see. You were doing a kind of recomp. But if you had stayed on that diet for too long, you would have eventually lost muscle. It’s a biological principle.
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  • #33
Ah, I see. You were doing a kind of recomp. But if you had stayed on that diet for too long, you would have eventually lost muscle. It’s a biological principle.
i’ve lost most of the muscle now because i haven’t worked out for a while.
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